Preparing for the big threat

My thoughts:
We’ll never have enough “hardware” to meet every situation.
True, one active shooter could turn into a gang of murderers.
Or not.
The most important “hardware” we’ll have is already located between our ears.
Knowing what you’re capable of with what you have on hand beats whatever’s in the trunk of your car.


I agree, using what’s available is most important. A gun safe full of weapons is useless if you’re not near them when needed. Knowing what’s around you in the moment that can be used to your benefit is important. Knowing what wild plants can be digested, how to find water in an emergency, and how to purify it to make it drinkable. How to start a fire without matches or a lighter, and how to keep it burning. How to tell directions without a compass, There are lots of things we need to learn and know to survive any or all of these situations, and to be able to pass this knowledge on to our children and grandchildren.
How to turn a stick into a weapon, or a stone or a rock. Know how to make a knife, because a knife would be essential to survival.

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I served in a SAR unit in the Sierra and what was important was covering the search area accurately and quickly. A backpack with a ton of trauma gear would just slow us down far more than a belly bag with a simple first aid kit.
The protocol was find the person, render immediate aid and call for whatever else was required.
Even on horseback, too much gear slows you down, (unless you have a pack mule but then you’d likely need a stokes litter.)
Even on criminal searches the protocol would be the same with the addition of more ammo and magazines/speedloaders.
As with active shooters, time wasted is lives wasted.


My plan would be simple, draw my sidearm (unless its a gun-free zone in which case I’m screwed) and begin looking for a safe exit. If I encounter other potential victims convince them to come with me. If the police are present take the gun by the barrel and hold up my hands!

My plan in the unlikely event that I find myself in an active shooter situation is to not draw my firearm as I try to make my way to safety. I would not draw until I have identified the threat and see that I may need/have an opportunity to stop it.

If I felt the threat was potentially nearby I would have my hand on the pistol with a shooting grip but leave it in the holster. I believe this would significantly minimizes the chances of LEOs or other responders mistaking me for the threat while still giving me a very fast reaction time.


Be careful moving around with a gun in your hand during a possible active shooter scenario. Might be perceived as the threat/shooter


Yes I realize that but feel I am less likely to get shot by the police than the Active shooter.

Could be another concealed carrier.

I understand less likely on the police because they are likely in uniform (likely), which could help you avoid being seen as an aggressor by them, and they take time to respond as well. But…concealed carrier shooting concealed carrier could happen pretty easily.

Personally, though I have no flipping clue not being in a situation what I’d really do, jus having a hand on the grip in the holster sounds like a reasonable in between? When the attacker/shooter is not visually ID’d yet by yourself. Might not be able to run as fast though? hmmm

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My idea for me is direct everyone down a hall way, clear the hallway of any threats before pointing people in the direction out.

I would then stay at the end of the hallway making sure everybody gets out safely, my gun would still be in its holster but I’d definitely have a hand on it.

If a mass shooter comes, try to take out the threat the best I can, if I escorted everyone out safely, retreat back to their current location.

That’s how I would save the lives closest to me,

I still have my Armed Citizen vest from Armed citizen ID

If the police have yet to arrive and I have my badge and I can win the race to my car and grab a rifle, and head inside, I would be willing to do that, we have to wear hearing protection in the building so my ears would be covered, and I have open run aftershoks I can use to call police and relay information to the dispatcher.

We have 2 full trauma kits, I’m certified in CPR and stop the bleed and I read the book and took the class of Emergency First Aid Fundamentals, and I understand how to triage patients and I have an understanding on where to secure the weapons after a shooting like that.

I would say I have the skills to do all of that, but the number 1 question is, how far of that plan would I make it through? Idk.

What if a shooter comes from our closest exit area because people take outside breaks forget their badge and leave the door open?

That changes the dynamics very quickly as I will be one of the first victims.

That would be another advantage of convincing other potential victims to accompany me less likely to be mistaken for the shooter if a group of victims are with me.


Multilateralism’s failure, if it happens, could raise significant challenges on how to address global public issues. Whether its replacement will be rules-based regionalism, or informal, global “coalitions of the willing,” is hard to say.

Long stagnation is a prolonged period of little or no growth in an economy. It is often marked by high unemployment, low investment, and slow population growth

Just like WW1 and WW2 it will arrive at a multiple of situations and actions to create the all over outcome of a whole lot of bad.


How many on that list do you believe have already begun?

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I guess…I don’t know what multilaterism is. My spellchecker doesn’t recognize it even lol.

What would collapse of it be?

I know, I know…I could google it lol

Russia and China having ships around Alaska.
Chinese threats against Taiwan
North Korea continues to launch missiles
Hawaii burns
Heat wave destroying crops
Housing interest is climbing
Auto interest is climbing
Gas prices climbing
Cyber security threats on the U.S. from China and Russia
Political party division/ threats against the President
Forest fire devastation

Just for starters.

Not that I am a Conspiracy theorist but how did the fires in Hawaii actually start?


The most likely cause would be the high winds they were having causing the power lines to ignite the dry vegetation. Either with trees hitting the lines or the lines getting knocked down and sparking the veg. It happens quite often with our ancient and poorly maintained power infrastructure.

Though pyros are also know to occasionally take advantage of Red Flag conditions in order to make a bigger show for themselves.

We had a big fire not too far from here awhile back that was caused by some conscientious idiot who was burning his toilet paper so animals wouldn’t dig it up and make a mess. It doesn’t take much to get big fires going when the forest is dry.


You can push a climate change agenda when you make climate changes happen, start a fire, viola! Climate Change!

Price of fuel, ground beef, eggs, plastic straws, pedestal fans, and fast food prices all went up due to climate change?
If that were true Death Valley would be on fire every day.
Obama’s chef death, climate change.


…“Obama’s chef death, climate change”.

It certainly was Climate change for that Chef ! (Room temperature club! but a funny thing happened on the way to the autopsy…He didn’t know/never learned to swim but he went kayaking that day? Makes ya go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
Oh, by the way Todd, I AM a conspiracy Theorist and I need MORE Conspiracies…wait for it! …all mine have come true! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The story I read stated he did know how to swim and was a kayaker.


I thought he was on a ‘‘paddle board’’
ya know standing up with a paddle
really looks safe to me
and no PFD