Prayer REQUEST FOR. Our country 🇺🇸

I have a prayer request. That . We. Come together. PDQ. And . Save our. Country. Arguing about it . Just will not work . Amen,


I’m NOT old Brother…I’m VINTAGE and I can still SLAMM a Root beer! woo Hoo!

God Bless the USA!


Don102. Have you noticed . That when we . Say something . That. Does not . Hurt .Any one!!! We get flagged!! And that has a lot to. Do with . Where. We say. What ever . Hurt. The . Monitors. Feelings!! Or. Just one member. Or. Visiting . The community??? That is censoring. What we. Say. I. Just think . That is. What it is . Messed up . When I. Put some thing. Up from my hart. And it’s flagged. I . Just try to delete it . I have a prayer request. That. A hole’s don’t. Matter. Love Bobby jean. Here’s a root beer :beer: for everyone . That agrees. Amen :us::beer::+1:ps. No Root beer . For a holes :hole:


I have. A prayer request. That. Every. Citizen. That was . Here. In . The. USA :us:. That . Seen . The . Twin. TOWERS. GETTING.HIT. AND. If. You . Can REMEMBER. Where you was. 9.11.2001. Tell. Younger. People. .Warn. Them. That. We never.SEEN. Any thing. Like that. And. Remind. Them. This.,can HAPPEN AGAIN. We. Can never . For GET. 9,11,2001… the. Day. America :us:. Was .ATTACKED. I . Pray . For every single citizen who. Was for ever. Changed. To . Find peace. . And thanks to everyone who . Helped. And .SERVED. This GREAT COUNTRY. ALMEN.:us::latin_cross::feather::feather::owl::sparkles:


Tome, New Mexico. Loading a welding machine into a pick up truck. On my way to repair dock levelers at the Albuquerque Public Schools Warehouse.


Copy that. I was in my MoMAs Living Room. An. I seen the plane. Going straight through the. First. Tower. And . I . Asked. My MOMA. Was their. People. In there. And . She . Said. Yes. . And then. The nexted. Plane. And. I . Said. Why. And she. Said. That we. Are . Under attack… we. ARE. . Still . Under attack. It’s. Just . Bitts. And peaces. Shootings here and there . But we know . They the . Very same enemies. That . Are responsible for. 9,11.2001… still. Have . Not paid. For. What they have done.EGYPT. Is. WHO. Was .RESPONSIBLE. .BUT WE INVADED. IRAQ. :iraq: that’s. Not the point. Today is all about. REMEMBERING. 9,11.2001. God bless everyone who was there . Johnny q60, was there. God bless your an all you Lost. That DAY . SIR. AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. . SIR. And your service Mike 164. And so many other . Members of the USCCA community. And country. . We will never forget . 9…11.2001.:us::us::us::feather::feather::owl::latin_cross::sparkles::bangbang:


Johnny q60, SIR THANK YOU SIR . You were there in . NEW.YORK. When the twin. Towers. We’re. HIT. And . You were . In the . Worst. Attack. SENCE peril.Harbor., GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS. Sir. I … Will be praying for . You and your family . And our country . To be sure . Thank you for your service . And support for Debbie ann . And all the . Cancer that has hit my . Family. Bless you all . That . Knows . Just what is. Happening. To our country. Love Bobby jean &, Debbie ann . . I will fly my flag half mass. . God Bless the USCCA and all our families. :feather::feather::owl::us:


I remember it like it was yesterday. Still affects me. The memories and the lost friends. GOD BLESS AMERICA.


And God bless you @Johnnyq60


Healing Prayers_Original
Healing Prayers up for a full and speedy recovery for all in need. Amen, :pray:.


Johnny q60, SIR MAY . The FARTHER. OF. LIGHT. SHINE.:sparkles: ON. YOU . And ALL YOUR. Love ONES. . SIR . Brother . I . Can . NOT EVER FORGET. WHAT. You have. WENT THROUGH. I. Seen it on the. T.V. Being THERE. O MY GOD​:sparkles::bangbang::broken_heart: WE. Are praying for you and your family and . Everyone . That’s been. VICTIMS. OF . The worst attack . SENCE Pearl Harbor. BLESS YOU ALL . Sir. Love Bobby Jean ,&,Debbie ann. SIR. Thank you sir for your service. ALMEN :latin_cross::us::feather::feather::owl::sparkles:


I have a. Prayer request.!! That everyone who has been harmed . Or. Lost. To . This attack on our country . On. American soil :us::broken_heart: I pray . We never forget . I pray we always remember. All. The souls . WHO LOST THEIR . LIVES. . I PRAY WE . NEVER EVER LET THIS HAPPEN EVER AGAIN.:us::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::us::broken_heart::broken_heart::us::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::us:ALMEN :broken_heart::us: