I have a prayer request. That . We. Come together. PDQ. And . Save our. Country. Arguing about it . Just will not work . Amen,
I’m NOT old Brother…I’m VINTAGE and I can still SLAMM a Root beer! woo Hoo!
God Bless the USA!
Don102. Have you noticed . That when we . Say something . That. Does not . Hurt .Any one!!! We get flagged!! And that has a lot to. Do with . Where. We say. What ever . Hurt. The . Monitors. Feelings!! Or. Just one member. Or. Visiting . The community??? That is censoring. What we. Say. I. Just think . That is. What it is . Messed up . When I. Put some thing. Up from my hart. And it’s flagged. I . Just try to delete it . I have a prayer request. That. A hole’s don’t. Matter. Love Bobby jean. Here’s a root beer for everyone . That agrees. Amen ps. No Root beer . For a holes
I have. A prayer request. That. Every. Citizen. That was . Here. In . The. USA . That . Seen . The . Twin. TOWERS. GETTING.HIT. AND. If. You . Can REMEMBER. Where you was. 9.11.2001. Tell. Younger. People. .Warn. Them. That. We never.SEEN. Any thing. Like that. And. Remind. Them. This.,can HAPPEN AGAIN. We. Can never . For GET. 9,11,2001… the. Day. America . Was .ATTACKED. I . Pray . For every single citizen who. Was for ever. Changed. To . Find peace. . And thanks to everyone who . Helped. And .SERVED. This GREAT COUNTRY. ALMEN.
Tome, New Mexico. Loading a welding machine into a pick up truck. On my way to repair dock levelers at the Albuquerque Public Schools Warehouse.
Copy that. I was in my MoMAs Living Room. An. I seen the plane. Going straight through the. First. Tower. And . I . Asked. My MOMA. Was their. People. In there. And . She . Said. Yes. . And then. The nexted. Plane. And. I . Said. Why. And she. Said. That we. Are . Under attack… we. ARE. . Still . Under attack. It’s. Just . Bitts. And peaces. Shootings here and there . But we know . They the . Very same enemies. That . Are responsible for. 9,11.2001… still. Have . Not paid. For. What they have done.EGYPT. Is. WHO. Was .RESPONSIBLE. .BUT WE INVADED. IRAQ. that’s. Not the point. Today is all about. REMEMBERING. 9,11.2001. God bless everyone who was there . Johnny q60, was there. God bless your an all you Lost. That DAY . SIR. AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. . SIR. And your service Mike 164. And so many other . Members of the USCCA community. And country. . We will never forget . 9…11.2001.
Johnny q60, SIR THANK YOU SIR . You were there in . NEW.YORK. When the twin. Towers. We’re. HIT. And . You were . In the . Worst. Attack. SENCE peril.Harbor., GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS. Sir. I … Will be praying for . You and your family . And our country . To be sure . Thank you for your service . And support for Debbie ann . And all the . Cancer that has hit my . Family. Bless you all . That . Knows . Just what is. Happening. To our country. Love Bobby jean &, Debbie ann . . I will fly my flag half mass. . God Bless the USCCA and all our families.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Still affects me. The memories and the lost friends. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
And God bless you @Johnnyq60
Johnny q60, SIR MAY . The FARTHER. OF. LIGHT. SHINE. ON. YOU . And ALL YOUR. Love ONES. . SIR . Brother . I . Can . NOT EVER FORGET. WHAT. You have. WENT THROUGH. I. Seen it on the. T.V. Being THERE. O MY GOD:sparkles: WE. Are praying for you and your family and . Everyone . That’s been. VICTIMS. OF . The worst attack . SENCE Pearl Harbor. BLESS YOU ALL . Sir. Love Bobby Jean ,&,Debbie ann. SIR. Thank you sir for your service. ALMEN
I have a. Prayer request.!! That everyone who has been harmed . Or. Lost. To . This attack on our country . On. American soil I pray . We never forget . I pray we always remember. All. The souls . WHO LOST THEIR . LIVES. . I PRAY WE . NEVER EVER LET THIS HAPPEN EVER AGAIN.ALMEN