Pixote (1980)

Just a reminder, the Roman Empire didn’t collapse because of foreign powers, and the United States isn’t going to be brought down by one either. When I was a kid, there was a tense relationship between the two superpowers, the Soviet Union and United States. However, the understanding of Mutually Assured Destruction (from nuclear weapons) kept us from ever engaging in a hot war. That concept really hasn’t changed, especially now that the American military has so far surpassed those of the rest of the world. Many worry about China and their economic power, but when you think about it, the same kind of Mutually Assured Destruction exists there also. China and U.S. have such integrated economies that if you destroy one, you destroy the other.

So, really the only threats to America’s future are from the enemies within. It’s sad it’s come to this, but the behavior goes beyond simple policy disagreements. The far-left & Ruling Class hate the idea of a strong America. They no longer hide their disdain for America-First politicians, instead wanting to build what they envision as a globalist Utopia. That is, when they’re not focused on lining their own pockets and increasing their power.

No more compromises with these people! We do NOT have shared goals, so it’s time we stop pretending otherwise.

Anonymous (meaning I’m not at all sure who wrote this)




I post stuff about building a Community all the time. Also about caring about one another . Man do i get heat from this … Was called a liberal because i care about people … Sorry i am just human … What people fail to realize is that. If we had only Democrats, This country would fail… Sorry to say but is we had only Republicans… This country would also fail… I am sure you are familiar with the adage “everything in moderation”

Each side spends to much time staring at the shiny objects. (aka the fringe)… God knows I do not agree with the far left similarly the same is true for the far right … Now when it comes to either one i could preach hate for their views… That however promotes a great divide makes it easy to dismiss others views …

I wish to build Communities not destroy them with intolerance … I prefer to have a beer with my neighbor. Hoping that i can convince him nicely to mow his damn lawn more often … One thing i know for sure if i am combative about it. All i will receive is push back. Sadly our government is no longer a community it is a tribe … So nothing that helps this country is getting done … It’s a recipe for failure …

I get it i do not wish to have anything to do with either fringe … The Centris on either side are not that far apart … Someone you could have a beer with and possible make things better for everyone … If nothing else get them to mow their lawn a little more often …


Edward Watts’ book, Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell into Tyranny (2018) is a history of the collapse of the Roman empire.

He argues that it did not collapse due to external conflict, but rather, when its political system embraced violence and killing of political rivals as an acceptable system of political changes. It resulted in the abandonment of voting, term limits (e.g., Rome had 1 year term limits for Counsels) and active citizen participation in politics to one of a succession of absolute power emperors (tyrants) who come to power and maintain power by killing rivals and mobilizing violent political supporters.


I have said this before and I will say it again…10% on the extreme far Left and 10% on the extreme far Right need to STFU and let the 80% in the middle get on with life. Let us worry about our own crap without having some politician say whether we can or cannot do it.


It is not possible to successfully treat or negotiate with someone trying to substantially and forever change your way of life or annhilate you.


Interesting. I was just thinking about this. If one could not stop them and it was imminent one would have to kill them. If I was a murderer it would be the right thing to do.
For clarity “it” is, substantially and forever change your way of life or annhilate you.

Interesting in helping developing rapport and a mini community, in spite of our differences. Shows the work we put in, even just for a small gain; That work and love - is in itself, powerful.

If I pride myself, it’s in not ever having anyone think they know for sure where I may stand politically, because if I show that card, I have failed myself and failed them all. Religion and politics, I best not go there. JIMHO.

Sometimes I think about a lone Blue youth who lives and works in a Red Lions’ Den/Tent, and a lone Red youth who lives and works in a Blue Lions’ Den/Tent, how I wish they would be respected and treated.

Scares me to think an employer would deny an employee advancement or a better performance evaluation because of where that worker stood politically.


I often have a beer with my neighbors, and a bbq or two. We mow our lawns often because we are of like minds. There is no animosity when I walk around with my Dark MAGA cap in my small community. About a two hour drive from my house is our largest urban center. It is rare that I have a pleasant conversation with anyone in town. Partly because they always have their heads buried in their phones and partly because I dress like a man - which is what I am. They seem to judge quickly and do not tolerate anyone who looks somewhat normal. But I do try and there have been exceptions. Building communities takes tolerance by both sides and it’s extremes. You’ve got to be willing to come to the table. We are not racists, Nazis, and misogynists. Just as you are not troonies, migrant criminals and Islamic Terrorists. (As an example) When the day comes when I can wear my Dark MAGA cap in the middle of the city and have an honest conversation with a gender-fluid, bald, female/male, then, we will together build a strong community.


IMHO have to say most of the hate and anger I see SEEMS to come form lefties…

they talk the talk sorta of… but they can not seem to walk the walk???

we do not have to agree on things… why others insist we do so runs counter to our Constitution…

a old adage comes to mind… if you get the government to go after those you don’t like…

sooner or later the government will come after you… IIRC???

we need a lot LESS government IMHO… and we need it sooner rather then later…

I wont even start with our education system…


Not trying to point fingers, the buck stops here. In other word the hate stops here.

I have found everyone has more in common then they think :joy: :joy: :upside_down_face: Both side say the same thing about the other … I read or intake opinions from both sides … You expressed anger comes from the left … Yet just the other day a person was fired for saying … For your safety stay away from areas with predominant trump signage … It is where the most violence has occured…

I can not believe i am having to say this … These are not my opinions … I do not subscribe to either view … However i am sure there is truth to both…
If you wish to run around looking for something to shake a stick at you will find it … If you run around looking to reach out and help you will find that also… You get to choose… If you want to run around beating things with a stick or reaching out lending a hand …Upside either way it looks like you are willing to work… You just need to conclude what is the best use of your labor .

I so agree … Sadly this is not mutually exclusive to just governments …

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At this point after witnessing what the left and the deep state has done since 2015 I am all in for some outright retribution against any and all of them. They should reap what they have sown.



You don’t think Donald Trump being president is enough retribution? What type of retribution did you have in mind?

#1. How’s about a little lawfare on their a$$es for starters? It’s a very target rich environment out there.

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Lawyers cost $$. We could get the money from their a$$es.:joy:

Yes. You’re right. We do get to choose. So why do so many on the Left choose to go to war? Shouldn’t they know better? They voted for a very progressive woman.

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Going to war is not just a Left thing . Remember Bush now don’t get Bush confused with Kameltoe . He started the longest war in our history … Also invaded the wrong country 15 out of the 19 on 9/11 were Saudi Arabian … WMD’s not one … I can go on with the Saudi they had flown out during the no fly out of texas … There is more but my point is made …

Before you give me excrement for saying anything about the republicans… I was just stating facts … Look i believe in the rule of Law … Dispensed without prejudice . Equitably to all … This also means no white collar prisons …

Russia just tested out one of their NEW (ICBM) on Ukraine… Yes both the USA and Russia get to test toy’s in the Ukraine without direct conflict … Isn’t life wonderful .

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Your response is duely noted. It is highly unlikely that Putin would use nukes. Mutual Destruction and all that. The point is in a broader context that IF he has any intention of doing so, this action would signal that intention. I am for community as you are. But the agenda of the legacy media continues to divide and disrupt. I would say that the finger of revolution points in their direction.


Why use Nukes when you wish to occupy this country in your lifetime… It would be counterintuitive to your goal. See Pudden watches history … Base on our response to Crimea he stock piled what he needed to weather sanctions …

The United States and the European Union responded by enacting sanctions against Russia for its role in the crisis, and urged Russia to withdraw. Russia accused the United States and the EU of funding and directing the revolution and retaliated to the sanctions by imposing its own…

The goal in the invading Crimea for Pudden. One, Testing the waters to see what the response would be from the west … Two, Simply warm water ports … Three, Well the man himself ,In lieu, Of not wishing to break down Puddens psychological profile until your eyes glaze over…