I saw on the tv news today a person on stage supposedly to support Trump. This person said there was a big island of garbage floating out in the ocean and it’s called Puerto Rico.
Yep, sounds like a deep plant by an opposing party.
Very true.
Do you all remember Dems brought a foul mouth Michelle Wolfe, it was 2019 or something. So? She herself said , what did you expect from me? You knew the kind of jokes I make before you invited me.
Its a comedian, relax. Or if Democrat, stfu, you had done worse
Yes. This is all on the organizers.
Ok, I’ll say there’s a possibility the Republican party might not have pre screened this person.
To me, So Ducking What!, A comedian says something edgy at a campaign rally. The guys trying to make a brand for himself. Look at me, I pooped on the Republican Campaign. Remember the gal with Donald’s Bloody Head, Who Cares?
It was tasteless and stupid but lets not make it more then what it is a dumb ass comedian that didn’t use his head.
Comedians these days aren’t real comedians, they are like substitute teachers.
In the whole scheme of things this is what the news is?
Great example with Kathy Griffin. The dude got to do a gig at Madison Square Garden. Not many comedians can say that. Too bad he mostly bombed.
No one cares when that “ Kaballa woman opens her big filthy ball washer
Have no clue why this reply to me but ok
It was an accident, it was supposed to be for everybody on this topic. I don’t think I have this totally figured out yet lol. I don’t remember clicking that point looking thing though, sorry man
I mean I never meant it to be @ anyone in particular. Don’t know why it did that but I drop this phone 5 or 6 times a day, even In Epsom salt water lol
To everyone, that Kathy Griffin or Griffith is a real steaming pile ain’t she? She held up a severed Trump when he was president and caught hell for it to. A couple Alphabet acronym people payed her a visit or two because no matter what a walking pus puss* you are you don’t do that because you’re deemed a threat.
no problem
@Peter195 OK Brother, like I said I don’t know how it happened either.
I’m no computer/I phone whizz but I find this site a little bit confusing anyway
The main thing is
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