Our powder keg

BS, when the VCDL was at the Virginia Capitol a couple of years ago, there were tens of thousands present. There was no violence, tens of thousands of armed citizens, police mingling with crowds, shaking hands, and no riot gear. Additionally, the news reports admitted that the streets were cleaner when we left than before we got there.


Thanks, Scott, for some intelligent advice. No one profits from hate. There are ways to make our positions known that do not involve gutter tactics, screaming obscenities and wasting our time with protests that accomplish little.

Not to get too philosophical and useless, but a lot of our “powder keg” situations- whether it’s this issue today or a different issue in the past years- could be relieved if we still had the mindset of republicans (small r, not the Republican Party). We were originally meant to be a federal union of independent states, and it was recognized that the New England Puritans on the North coast might not always agree with the Kentucky rednecks in the middle of the country. But we gradually moved from the 10th Amendment (rights reserved to the states) to the 14th Amendment, which is often misinterpreted to mean that everyone has to live under the same rules in all places and circumstances.

BTW, every time the 10th Amendment is brought up, someone will say “but… slavery!” And there’s some truth to that. The 14th Amendment was a reconstruction amendment, after all, and it has some very important protections for residents and citizens living in the United States. But I have a hard time taking someone seriously when I talk about cultural diversity across the different states, and that someone immediately accuses me of being pro-slavery.


Agreed. It feels like we are being teased into a trap
Remain vigilant but trust in The Lord.

Semper Fi

ALSO if you pay close attention to the current roits,the handler will be at the outter edge on a street corner with a phone telling the inner circle what to do and when the police start to do any thing they disappear.


Because passing a new law will make a big difference. :joy:


The old saying cool heads shall prevail. We need a lot of that nowadays. I just read about the additional states added to the constitutional Carry list. Now at 25, I believe. Just 25 more to go. Just because you have a gun doesn’t mean you are qualified to use it. Training, training, training and this is the place to get it.


Do you wear on most days, a vest with a lot of patches and pins on it?

Um, did the “gun” hop up and go on a murder spree all by itself?


Nope! No patches, no pins, no vests.
This is the…vest…it gets!


@Scott52 THAT is the KOOLEST SHIRT I’ve EVER seen!!


If you’re serious, it’s a Johari West - Batik.
Extremely comfortable, conceals well, both my EDC and myself.
Hiding in plain sight!


Nice looking shirt.


You made a great point. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Any idiot knows it’s not the gun that kills. It’s the finger on the trigger that does. The challenge is to a way to separate bad people from guns. Even Ben Shapiro agrees!

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no consequences either if they’re a bunch of lefties…

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I am glad I am not alone when it comes to my desire to avoid public gatherings.

At 73 I’m still a gunfighter/bullet sponge in a Federal Office building. The parade of human debris is amazing and when not at work I studiously avoid gatherings of our species. I go about my daily life armed against the day Evil will not allow me to avoid it. If you see me with my pants on, Then I’m armed.

USCCA provides me the peace of mind to continue to abide by the solem oath I swore to my Country on March 10, 1969. Like many of my brothers and sisters who have sworn that oath I recognize it had no expiration date.

Stay well, and stay prepared for Evil is real, and it waits to consume the unprepaired.

Dennis Keith




@Dennis244 You are absolutely correct.

Took it twice. 1st for the Marines November 2,1961 , 2nd to become a citizen 1976

In all the years I went to school in the States, I always knew when the teachers were not talking to me. The countless number of times they would say, “any of you can grow up to be President”.
It would be interesting to see how many natural citizens would take the oath just once.

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I will tell you what I tell all of the newly Naturalized Citizens I meet that come to our office to acquire their Social Security cards, Welcome Home, I’m so glad that you chose to join Us.


That number would be Not Too Many! Their teachers were not Combat Veterans from WWII, so being draft dodgers from Vietnam era or taught by such, today’s teachers have a dim view of Our Country. When we face an invader 48% have said they would run instead of fight.

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