O'Rourke endorses Biden at Dallas rally on eve of Super Tuesday, as ex-VP

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This should be interesting. To see if the Democrats force Bernie Sanders out like they did in 2016.


O’Rourke endorses Biden at Dallas rally on eve of Super Tuesday, as ex-VP appears to offer gun-control role

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Oh Francis… You may be endorsing Mr. Biden now, but that’s not what you were saying months ago when you were still a presidential candidate! :smile:
You’re a liar sir & a gun-grabbing tyrant. You said in Dallas “I’m casting my vote for Joe Biden…” GIVE ME A BREAK :triumph:! C’MON folk, these politicians are blatant liars & do not have our interests at heart. Just months ago, this :clown_face: was berating Joe Biden.
Maybe it’s me… This is a joke. :v:t5:


And it also looks like Crazy Uncle Joe also broke the law by offering Beto a job while he’s running for office. And it is called QUID PRO QUO. The very same thing that the democrats tried to IMPEACH President Trump on. And also what Crazy Uncle Joe is reported to have done with Ukraine and the investigation into his son Hunter and BARISMA HOLDING to get the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired.

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No Constitution loving, Freedom seeking, God fearing, honest America could ever vote for this new socialist party. To do so puts you in the anti 2A camp.

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If (when) they screw BS again the B. Bros will stay home on election day 2020. Crazy Uncle Pervert Joe is a non starter. He thinks it’s super Thursday, he thinks he’s running for the Senate and he likes to have little girls sit on his lap so he can sniff their hair all while little boys rub his hairy legs. Definitely the poster child of the socialist left.