“We WILL take your blenders!!!”
I sae the video. She was being ignored by the burger folks and got frustrated. Definitely did not deserve a blender to the face. We need to confiscate all blenders and outlaw working at McDonalds. Blender violence is a danger to everyone who eats.
I wonder just how many murders are comm6each year with blunt objects?
stats on violent crimes from 1993-2001 https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/wuvc01.pdf
Blunt objects
Armed with blunt objects such as bats, sticks, rocks, clubs, or blackjacks, offenders committed approximately 356,000 violent crimes as an annual average from 1993 through 2001. Crimes by offenders armed with blunt objects were committed at an annual average rate of 2 per 1,000 persons age 12 or older.
For 1993-2001 about a quarter of violent crimes overall resulted in an injury to the victim… Of all violence with a weapon, the crimes committed with blunt objects/other weapons were the most often associated with victim injury (36%).
That report lists an average of 823 people per year are killed with a blunt object (1993-2001).