Oh the Hypocrisy

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That woman talks like she has a 5th. grade education, cant even put a sentence together that can be understood. I dont mind saying I hate her guts and wish she would wander in the path of a speeding bus. She is an enemy of this country so why would I care about what happens to her And dont know about anyone else but I can just imagine why she wanted her out first.


Unfortunately most of our politicians and news people are very low intelligence people and to make it worse they try to dumb it down even further. Epic Failures overpaid and given too much power.


Sadly, people will pay that amount.
Double sadly, it will probably never actually be consumed, as these types of whiskys are often purchased as investments.
No one will probably ever know if someone just bottled donkey piss in them. :wink:

Imagine the weapons & munitions you could buy with that!


Ignorance and arrogance – a dangerous combination.

They’re dumb, and they talk down to their constituents, because they think we’re even dumber.

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The Trumpest

The Trumpest9 hours ago


When our constitution was written noone ever thought that serving your country in a political sense would be a well paid career because people served a position for 4 or 8 yes or whatever then go home and do what you’re job was like Paul Revere was a well known silversmith. That’s why term limits wasn’t put in there because noone ever imagined it would be a lifelong gravy job. Man what a mistake but whoodathunkit.


Hear you brother.

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I believe I’m at the point of not thinking very much about what the left believes. It defies all since of rational thinking and logic. I will have to admit the best reason is that there is so many of them anymore it makes me worry about the future of our kids which puts me in a bad mood.