Next forum update

I have a request for the ppl that run this blog and can make known forum users requests.

  1. when a thread has activity with a new message, a number appears with how many ppl have posted in another thread. My request is that I have blocked a person or two and when they post and I look to see the new post of course nothing is there which I like. However when I return the number remains at 1 and no matter how many times I go into said thread it doesn’t go away.

  2. when I block a person I wish there wasn’t a time limit. It takes quite a bit to get me to the point of wanting to block someone. When that person achieves that goal, I don’t want to hear from them again nor that said person has posted.

Any possibility of that happening?

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Calling in the @moderators for a better answer.

  1. I know that when another post comes after the blocked person, the number will reset to zero.

  2. If you click on the persons icon then on the bigger icon, you will see the options to mute or ignore. If you choose to ignore, you get the option of forever.





I must be doing something wrong. I only see a 4 month time period. Thank you

I see what you’re talking about now.

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That is unless the user’s profile is hidden, like yours is, then you don’t see those options. Hide your profile and post away, nobody can stop you?

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Oh, I didn’t know that. @moderators can you jump in here and advise?