I know, we’re not even through Christmas and I’m asking you to think about your New Year’s resolution!
I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions because it gives me a chance to procrastinate until January 1 instead of resolving to start today! However, there are always areas I can improve on and a little extra push to start working on those areas never hurts.
What do you want to work on in the new year? (Multiple Choice)
Dryfire training
Range Time
Reading/watching training material
Other please list below
Please share whatever details you’d like below, including amount of time and frequency for each area.
I also want to work on shooting from behind cover and while on the move. Hard to do at an indoor range. Don’t want to be static if that situation was to arise.
Dry fire. Why I don’t more often is a mystery since I work from home and have the gun safe next to my desk.
Get my wife to the range more!!!
Get my daughters air rifle scores up to make regionals and maybe nationals. She knows I’d travel the Country for her to compete but she hasn’t decided to do it yet.
A gun a month would be fun but I really want a C8 Corvette (hey, priorities).