New "Joker" Movie Warnings

Realize this has been all over the news but it bears repeating. You can do a search and find many more warnings concerning the new Joker Movie coming out October 2019… see below;

I can tell I’ve been too busy this week, I hadn’t seen this story, @ES16.

This kind of blows my mind - Star Wars and Lord of the Rings followers are incredibly geeky and will even dress up in full costume. They embrace their geekdom and attract like geekdom (geekdom is NOT a bad thing to me, being unique is AWESOME!)

Why doesn’t that work with the Batman fandom? :thinking:


This is getting beyond unbelievable. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?


I know, right? :man_facepalming: I am speechless.

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Because Incels?

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That’s a whole other post and has everything to do with our societal slip/spiral down.

It’s the #2 reason why I carry.

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I am so shaking my head right now. Incels? Really!? Also, that anti gun group saying process should be donated to gun control groups. I don’t think so.


I never go to the theater anymore, too expensive. Plus I can pause the movie at home to get more popcorn and go to the bathroom.


It is rare that I go to a theater anymore. Maybe 2 or 3 times this year because Becky wanted to see something.

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I would think that there would be incels in any fandom, what makes Batman fandom different?


Maybe today’s youth have some mental issues… oh wait, it’s been shown that some of them do.


I went to a ROCKY HORROR MOVIE and there were fans dressed up as their favorite character. And during the movie they would say the lines with the movie. and they would even throw TP or shoot water pistols at points in the movie. and this was and is all part of going to see ROCKY HORROR MOVIE. And the movie is normally shown at mid-night as well.


I hadn’t heard of “incels” until someone on here (@robert8 maybe?) mentioned them a few months ago. I popped out and did a little reading on them. This (from the linked article) was part of what I thought was really remarkable in it:

In 2016, a woman identified as Alana … accidentally created what would become known as an “incel” group. The Toronto woman said she created a now-defunct website called “Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project” in 1993 when she was in college and was curious about the fact she had never had sex. “I was trying to create a movement that was open to anybody and everybody,” she told Elle. But her website was visited by mostly men who she said were “prone to antagonistic, repetitive complaining.”

That antagonistic, repetitive complaining and their sense of being victims with no power who are denied their desires (read: “need” or “rights”) and rather than take control of their situation simply stew about how others are responsible for their misery seems to be at the heart of it. It leads to de-humanizing their view of other humans (men who are getting some, women who won’t give them any) and sometimes it boils over into rage and revenge.

Incidentally, that’s the same emotional dynamic at work for a lot of the school shooters.

Why Batman? I think it’s the Joker really, not batman. Think about his character - he’s an outsider, but he embraces his ‘weirdness’ (by playing up his clown makeup). Clowns are laughed at - but he takes that and turns it on its head so nobody is laughing. He takes his rejection and turns it so those that hurt him become the fearful ones, and then he extracts an obliterating revenge.

Notice that Batman isn’t really a good-guy character… he’s not Captain America. He’s a dark and somewhat disturbed character who just happens to limit the targets of his aggression and anger to those who “deserve” it. So even in provoking Batman to come engage him, the Joker manages to drag someone who should be clean and good into the dark and bring out his most evil side. The Joker makes sure that the good guy has to experience his own most evil self… and in that way even if he loses, he wins.

It seems pretty natural to me that people who don’t see themselves as having power to protect themselves from the misery they feel, and blame others for it, and don’t see others as people, and experience themselves as powerless, would choose the Joker to identify with. And that such an identification might lead these incels to commit mass shootings… well, I can certainly see how that could happen.


Agreed, but this group seems to make a “thing” of it??? Do they make a big deal of it in other groups or do they just work harder to get dates?

Honestly I have no idea.


I believe Zee has said it better than i ever can.


pretty interesting post @ES16 - is that a law enforcement publication? They seem to be taking it seriously.

“incels”, no that is a new one on me. Well, I heard about it a while back, but not in a possible violent context.

I refuse to go to theaters unless I can carry, even then, probably would only VERY rarely go, and probably with other armed friends.

Don’t these people just see movies as entertainment?

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NOPE. there’s a lot of things they don’t see in any normal light… that’s a big part of the problem.


I heard something about this. Everybody be alert, stay vigilant if you decide to go to that movie. I have no desire to see the Joker movie but I hope nothing happens. We’re in a dark place in the country when warnings are sent about attending a movie…


i believe so…

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