New Attorney General Pick Has Mixed Record on Guns



There are no perfect candidates. There’s no way to know everything about anyone’s past, true beliefs, and future. I’m sure that he has his reasons for choosing her. Let’s let it run for a while…


Sounds like the vast majority of Republicans. When they are campaigning for positions of power they talk the talk on the Second Amendment. But once in power they more often than not fail to walk the walk. And in more than a few cases they end up actively pushing against the 2A.

I am very concerned about what is going to happen over the next four years after the next high profile active shooter events occur. History shows that the new administration is very likely to respond by proposing new due process violating Red Flag laws at the very least. Several Republicans recently jumped ranks and joined the current anti 2A administration’s to pass gun control legislation. How many Republicans will stand up to this new administration if they do the same, or worse? Not nearly enough I suspect.


It will be interesting to see what, if anything, Bondi enacts as gun policy (gun laws made by an administrative agency) once she takes the reins of the DOJ and its enforcement agencies (ATF, FBI, etc). I’m skeptical that she will do anything that makes the lives of law-abiding gun owners any easier or stops treating that community like criminals in waiting.

After all, declaring anything a crime (e.g., the proliferation of supressors, 3d printed guns, ARs without serial numbers, pistol braces, etc, etc) creates a crisis that Bondi can exploit to jockey for more money. "There’s a crime wave of ‘illegal’ suppressors!!! Congress, you need to allocate more money to the DOJ. The ATF needs more resources (agents, money, computers) to combat this threat to the American public!!!"


Why can’t I see this opens with no comments

She is far, far better than the current AG.


I say let’s see what she does remember in Florida she was working for Rick Scott we don’t know what he may have told her to do.


DOGE for the win!

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If she doesn’t send guns via Fast n Furious, she’s a winner in my books.