Nearly all U.S. mass attackers were male and faced major life stressor,

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That’s a report that is meaningless. Financial Instability, housing instability. That’s a pretty big broom they are sweeping with. It’s like saying “100% of mass shootings” were committed by firearms.


I could have done better with an Excel spreadsheet.
As a matter of fact I used a bigger broom and found that 100% of all home invasions happened in the home and 90% of all criminals are of the Liberal persuasion! 99.8% incarcerated say they didn’t do it. From 1960 to 2022
Stats are fun as long as the numbers are on your side.

Eric Swalwell slept with a Chinese spy, he gave 0% of intel away!
Nancy Pelosi made millions with 0% insider information!
There’s a 100% chance that everyone on the planet will die.
100% of all guns manufactured never killed anyone!
Except Alec Baldwins gun, it just fired on its own!
People kill people, there’s no such thing as “gun” violence, it’s people violence!
See how that works!


I don’t think any of this is news. Most violent crimes are committed by unhappy men. Who knew???




I am willing to bet there is no mention of rate of fire (most mass shooting could have been completed at a rate of fire achievable with a lever or bolt action rifle (and in several instances a muzzle loader), or with a revolver. Likewise, probably nothing about legal vs. “illegal” firearms, SBRs, AR pistols w/ braces, or suppressors. The government is incapable of issuing a thorough and objective report. As always it is a matter of made a decision and then fabricate facts to support it.

For those interested in a more factual analysis of “mass shootings” go here:


really they should bring back the firing squad and save a ton of tax payer funds taking care of them


You might be interested in this.

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I watched the three hour presentation by the Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center on Wednesday. The report is available at their website. The last portion of the presentation was a case study by the North Carolina BETA team, Behavioral Theat Assessment, staffed by 7 State Special Agents, two full time and two part time psychologists, and more recently a social worker. This center receives referrals from the state’s sheriffs and chiefs on potential future violent offenders. Cases accepted after triage are evaluated for a variety of stressors that may contribute to a mass attack, generate a management and mitigation plan and sent to the referring agency with recommendations to intervene before an attack develops. Although most of the 173 case studies in the five year period did involve the use of firearms, I did not view the report as some endorsement of gun control, rather an intervention by the community to recognize mental illness, social ills, and triggers that tip some into engaging in mass attacks. NTAC’s last presentation involved five case studies in which the local community recognized and prevented persons who planned to carry out mass attacks.


You are just soooo right brother - so many people just don’t get it - thank you!


Mitch Rezman
CEO/CMO, SuperEZSystems

773-848-0687 |

618 E Commercial Ave Lowell, IN 46356

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