Tonight’s sunset.
Happy community anniversary @Sinbad!
I missed it yesterday, Sinbad, I apologize. Happy belated anniversary, my friend!
You guys are the best! Thanks!
That looks like a few places I’ve been to in the Caribbean. Mainly the southern Bahamas
Grand Cayman - sent a postcard home from there - stamped “From Hell”
Spent a lot of time on Great Inagua Bahamas and several of the spots we went fishing at had that nasty rock that I swore was volcanic lava
That’s exactly what I was told it was
All I know….we wore good shoes cause we didn’t want to fall
I spent a lot of time in the Bahamas running liveaboard dive boats but never visited those 2 islands, Fond memories. Went back to Alice Town last year. The cruise terminal they built on the north end of Bimini destroyed the vibe
The Cayman Islands are not volcanic.
From Wikipedia: “Hell is a unique formation which is characterized by jagged, spongy pinnacles of black-covered limestone.”
I guess telling tourists it’s volcanic sounds more devilish
The coloration sure makes it look volcanic!
Interesting, as my guide stated it was not volcanic and the information at the site also states that.
how long ago were you there
I was there a long time ago. There were no cartoonish signs. In any case, I prolly shouldn’t have believed anything my guide said after he lied about what was in that funky looking cigar he fired up. He said it would calm my nerves.
Two weeks ago.