I’d love to see a map showing member density of community membership. How can I find out who’s in Utah near where I am? Anyone? I’m in the Ogden area. Has any type of map like that been done?
Those are great questions. I would also be interested in this… @dawn any info?
Privacy concerns.
Not on a color coded map. Dark red Texas = heavy community membership. Light yellow Hawaii = under 200 members. It wouldn’t need to be any more specific than that. Just curious how our membership is spread out. Could be used to target market for the USCCA also.(I have no idea about Texas have a lot of members or Hawaii not so many. Just random illustration) I think it would be interesting to see.
I had a map at one point that just used a list of locations, didn’t tell who was at what point on the map. I could see if I can pull that info again.
Great suggestion @Michael554. It would be cool to see a heat map of members.
@Dawn I think that would be an interesting comparison. Nothing to pinpoint anyone. Just a regional thing.
Would we be able to see which state has the most members?
Wouldn’t that be cool?
I don’t want anything that will draw attention to me or my area. What I do is within the realm of the law and the Consitution.
Yes exactly @Johnnyq60. There would be a map of the US and the more members in an area the larger a red dot would be, for example.
@larry84 Do you consider your State, your “Area”? I don’t know how that could make you feel violated. Knowing there’s 500 members in utah and 100 in Nevada, wouldn’t make me feel I was being stalked. Not challenging you or invalidating your preference. I may be in the minority here.
With the current level of unrest and the growing number FOIA request, I simply donot want to highlight any area. You may feel safe in your area, great, I don’t need any attention.
I’m going to hazard a guess at Illinois.