Minnesota Binary Trigger Ban To Take Effect, Thanks ‘Tampon Tim’ ~ VIDEO

I unfortunately don’t have enough cash for a pure grins and giggles gun and like to keep all of my potential self defense options operating the same way to minimize potential confusion.

If I was gonna go with an option to increase my rate of fire, the forced reset trigger just seems like a better one to me. Though I’m not sure if those come with the option to select semi auto in addition to reset mode?

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I watched a youtube video and the guy mentioned frt’s not having an option.

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Oh he11 I ain’t paying no 200 clams for one of them for sure , I recently saw a video where a guy was using one type and it was different than most of them or something. I sent the you-tube video to my son so it should be on where I’ve texted it to him on this fine so I’ll try to figure out how to send it if I’m able but what do I type in the space so it will go to this site? Anyone know? But I’d buy another gun for almost 300 bucks, recently I bought an old STAR 9 mm for $300 it’s virtually new in the box with the cleaning rod and manual ! And I love that thing and it’s the perfect truck gun for sure.

I suppose suppressors and night vision are a no-go as well, then?

Did you say ‘Giggly Switch’? :grinning:


Heck no, I can get more use outta them than dozens of rounds per second being spent . I flat out can’t afford a $ 1,200 night vision ( for a good one ) and suppressor I’m in the process of getting and have already got the three prong muzz break or bird cage or compensator or flash hider ( whatever they are calling them this week ) installed and have the 5.56 guide rod for it to all go on right or get it lined up right and all I gotta do is get the hush puppy and do the tax stamp crap on computer and my son will install it like he did his, God what a mouthful!

I Surly did Bruh! ‘Cause when you press dat dare Trigga it goes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!’
(and don’t calls me Shirley!) :crazy_face:

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Remember when they ( whoever they are ) would say “ I flipped it on rock-n-roll “ lol and she stood up and started talking to me. M-14 no doubt. Or “ the go-go button “


OR…'Select Fire, Option 3.

Yea that’s the proper term but I doubt many soldiers said that, lol

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Well, I can tell you True
I NEVER said ’ Hey Robbie?’
‘Are you gonna flip the switch to Select Fire or Full Auto ?’.
The minute the doors opened and boots on the ground
it was Full Giggle switch till the doors closed behind and
the Bird was in the air.
Occasionally, I went to Safe, or Semi if I needed to pick somebody off.
My 'Bogger hook was my safety. (Just like in da movies!) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Had a lower making a promise it couldn’t keep. Emphasis on HAD. One of the guns my son left behind. I think he was smiling down at me today.


He put a ‘Dome of White Light of Protection’
over you Brother.

Nice to have a Guardian Angel ridin’ shotgun next to you isn’t it?

God Bless you and your Son—Remember ‘Warriors were never Trained to Retire’.


Thanks, Don.


…or as Sgt. Major Andrew Tanner quipped: ‘Marines don’t die, they go to He!! to regroup!’
(Red Dawn2) Mr. Jeffrey Dean Morgan----Priceless!

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