Same to you this is the celebration of the day I joined you. Same to all my brothers and sisters at USCCA.
I think also this is a wake up call to the electorate of LA & CA that their elected officials are wasting taxpayer money on bullshit political agendas that don’t return any value to them, and thus, there may be a tide turn away from that bullshit come the next election cycle.
As Mel Gibson said to Gavin Nuisance, he needs to spend less money on hair gel.
I think that even the Hollywood elites have had their fill of the Lunatic Left’s bullshit.
The criticism you’re hearing is only coming from celebrities who have been calling the liberal BS for years, James Wood, Mel Gibson, etc. Don’t kid yourself, the hard core democrats like Robert DeNIro and Tom Hanks that have bought into the climate change scam are going to make excuses and double down. They are never going to blame the woke virus and liberal incompetence…not ever.
I agree. Their personnae are too heavily invested in the liberal lifestyle.
Maybe they will wake up instead of being woke too. Robert Redford recently sold several houses, because CA is going to the dogs an is moving to NM.
This is rich!
I guess he is trying to dodge his legal liability responsibilities too.
In the military he would be relieved of duty for a loss of confidence to command and brought up on charges to a court martial proceeding for his criminal negligence.
Gavin stepped out and “Called for an investigation…”. Yea Gavy my boy we really believe you’ll honestly look into this and assign blame and hold those responsible accountable". You missed it for years and only now, that the world is on fire, you think it’s time to look around and see what the problems might be?
Then he should be sent to the ultimate climate change facility!
No gas, no heat, no A/C, no sunlight, no trees, no wildlife, hardly any running water, one set of clothing, and let’s not forget about the menu!
Personally, I would remove the pot to piss in! He’s just not worthy!
Redford has property all over the place. I remember a friend visisting him in New Mexico when he bought his first ranch there. This was back in 1970.
He recently off loaded several properties, and he and his wife moved out of state, likely non too soon to avoid the current systemic failure, and fire fiasco.
Yea he sold The Sundance Ski Resort property here in Utah in 2020.
Yep not the Gov, Not the Mayor
"The California governor Gavin Newsom is one of a small yet growing number of political leaders around the globe calling out fossil fuels for their role in climate crisis and generating health and environmental risks. "
You stated “gay” porn, if you meant females, that would be Lesbian.
It’s Ingrained
To the Bone
I am not sure, If you are aware of this but lesbians are Homosexuals (gay) … “Gay” means you are attracted to people of the same gender.
I realize you guys are not very woke here … Some of you have not even stepped out of the cave…
I would think even you guys understand the basics of sexuality…
If not, Then I am not going to help you with this one … For fear you will breed …
Since you are admit to being “an aficionado of gay porn”, we know you are too busy to be breeding. You most likely have things well in hand.
Or any large group of stupid people may be dangerous, spiring each other on.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.
The only problem is the people who can be and were fooled frequently refuse to believe that they were fooled.
And, will remain stubbornly fooled rather than admit that they were fooled, as if their egos cannot take that, so they continue to be convinced that they were not duped.
If ignorance is bliss some of these fools are in a state of euphoria.