Liberal, black , Christian democrat gun owner here to say hi

Typical to include these on a dating profile! :slight_smile:

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Donā€™t follow MY rulesā€¦ I do not have any here. Just follow Community rulesā€¦ thatā€™s it.

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I worked hard and earned the title of United States Marineā€¦ If it offends somebody-- GREAT.

Why is it my Eagle, Globe and Anchor can offend, But Iā€™m not allowed to be offended???


I didnā€™t violate the community rules, yet YOU CHOSE to be offended.


Letā€™s make this day nice for ALL of usā€¦ I donā€™t care about race, color, left, rightā€¦ we all here for the same reason. Just remember what this Community is about.

Enjoy the Sunday !!!

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@BigJ Howdy from a gun loving Constitutional Conservative. :smiley: I just hope you are not too liberal on gun control lawsā€¦ Besides that, if we all agreed on everything, it would be a boring world.


Not at all while I do believe some people donā€™t need guns , I donā€™t believe in mass gun confiscation ( because itā€™s impractical and doesnā€™t work) other than Iā€™m cool with most gun culture stuff. Thanks for the welcome.


Actually not offended you have your views I have mean, respect is a two way street.

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Indeed he did

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You are Welcome @BigJ.

I admire your courage making this topic. I saw too many mockery here already.
Iā€™m glad you are part of this Community !

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so now disagreement is mockery.

Just because I disagree with the OP, doesnā€™t mean heā€™s not welcome here.

He shares his view, and you donā€™t like it when those who disagree share their views. HHHHhhhmmmmm.


That is perhaps a problemā€¦ far too vague.

Most do not think those with mental illness should be able to readily obtain a firearmā€¦ BUTā€¦ what is ā€˜mental illnessā€™?
Most do not think criminals who have forfeited their rights and have not had them restored should be able to readily obtain firearmsā€¦

So, when you say you believe some people do not need guns, can you clarify.

You see, most would tend to agreeā€¦ on certain details, as long as those details are not so vague as to leave the door wide open.

By the wayā€¦ welcome to the neighborhoodā€¦


Thank you lol itā€™s fine I think they want a reaction out of me.

Iā€™m sorry for misunderstandingā€¦ I should write this:

I saw too many mockery at this Forum already.

That had nothing to this thread.

In Nebraska, PTSD is considered a mental illness and you can be prevented from owning firearms, Yet, in Nebraska, if you are diagnosed with PTSD you can still become a policeman.

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I donā€™t want reaction-- I want legitimate thought.


Sure, itā€™s a very complicated issue and I donā€™t think you can cast a blanket decision over every case. But if your mental illness requires you to be heavily medicated like if you have Schizophrenia, on medication you can function in society but if you get off well now your a danger to yourself and others. I know it sucks , because people donā€™t choose to be schizophrenic. Now for the criminal aspect, we donā€™t necessarily rehabilitate people in prison we warehouse them until they are released. So how do I know if you ready to be a response individual. I mean It doesnā€™t help that finding a job and a place to live post release is hard for felons. Now I donā€™t think it should be a lifetime ban but needs to be steps with milestones someone needs to reach first. Hopes that in part answers your questions.


A good responseā€¦I can agree with all of thisā€¦


I canā€™t speak on this im not military ( am trying to join the national guard hopefully) but it seems like there was a miscommunication in the law on this one.