Lethal Force Classes in MA

MA residents. Can anyone recommend an affordable lethal force class?

The Art of Concealed Carry from GOAL. Four hour class, with the first couple of hours taught by an attorney. Second half is taught by GOALs director of education Jon Green. Goes over MA specific laws and concealed carry equipment, etc.

I’ve taken other classes geared towards use of force from other places and can tell you that in my opinion, the GOAL class is best. You have an actual attorney going over incidents and case law and then Jon, who to me knows more about the ins and outs of MA gun laws than anyone I can think of.

You leave with a handy little certificate as well as a booklet from GOAL with the main points of MA gun laws, as well as other info.

Cost was 90 dollars I believe and you also have to be a member of GOAL to sign up.


Any USCCA course taught by a USCCA Certified Instructor or Training Counselor.

More is always better. Start off with the concealed carry and home defense class and progress through the DSF1&2 classes.

I would advise scheduling the classes at six month intervals and plan on spending at least two long weekends at the range each month practicing and mastering the skills learned in each class.

Once you’ve worked through all of those you’d be well advised to go through the NRA Pistol and Personal Protection as well as defensive handgun courses as well.

When you’ve been through all of those and have several years of good practice under your belt then you’d do very well to take at least one additional more advanced defensive firearms course annually from well reputed and recognized trainers.