Lesson Learned or How To Do it Wrong and Still Get Lucky

This is the Attorney General’s report on a self-defense shooting that happened in Manchester NH this past summer. It’s 29 pages but I found it to be an interesting read.



Very interesting indeed. I think this he was very lucky. Based on some of the statements he made albeit in distress due to the circumstances he could have been charged minimally with manslaughter. I could see another DA interpret the evidence completely opposite of what this DA did.
The take away from this for all of us who choose ourselves as the first line of defense for our family. And why USCCA and everything the organization offers its members shouldn’t be taken for granted is God forbid you have to take a life to save yours or your loved one’s. Your 2nd call after 911 should be to an attorney or USCCA hotline.


I don’t disagree with anything that you wrote, but I pulled a little different lesson from the report.

If you are away from the house and get a notification that your house has been broken in to and no family is home…call 911, stay put, and let the police handle it…show up with coffee after they’ve called you with the all clear.

Our objective is defense of life, not stuff. No amount of stuff in the world is worth putting your life (or your financial life) at risk IMO. Life is a different story.

Just my take-aways sir.


You are absolutely right. And I did think that as well. And that would be the proper reaction in that specific scenario. You might say his first mistake. I was thinking not that scenario but another circumstance of having to defend your life. What one should do and what happens from the point after you are forced to discharged your firearm and and as a result end a life.
As a side note. I don’t think his trounles end there. I can see where he could easily be found liable in a civil suit. Where the burden of proof is much less. And the statements he made will surely weigh in the plaintiffs favor.


Whether he can be held liable in civil court is also a question of law. In Kentucky, if you use deadly force in self defense or defense of others and it is determined not to be unlawful, then you are immune both criminally and civilly. RSA 627:1 provides civil immunity similar to Kentucky.


I totally agree with you @JamesR.