This is funny. Ever been on there highways… They are not blocking them… They are walking through the car
I’d say they owe us four years back pay! FairPlay is over!
I have a serious problem w/ Ms. Omar.
Being a Somali…Donald, watch it…
I hope I get the chance to have a little ‘chat’ with some of ‘her people’
This isn’t a Black/White issue this is a group of folk’s that are sneaky and brutal people.
The old idiom of watch when you shake a persons hand look for a knife (or gun)
in the other fits them to a T.
As for the ‘Protests’ my belief is this will NOT go the way they are planning it.
This won’t be another Seattle, Chicago, Minnesota (George Floyd revisited)
The New Sherriff is here, in place and ready. Pop some pop corn folk’s tis might
be intereting tomorrow.
That’s real cute…
From what I’m seeing around here, most regular citizens aren’t really good with all of this crap. The Gov will do something but I think most of the push back will come from Joe & Jane Sixpack.
I Agree on this.
The only folk’s who think they can operate as they
did under the Puddin’ Crime Sh!tshow is the Democrats
Do they even know they LOST?
Do they understand all this ranting, raging and THREATS is going unnoticed?
Is that possible that their TDS has blinded them from REALITY?
Threats against their own .gov, against the Commander-in-Chief, Threats of RESISTANCE,
open hostility do these poor fools think this will HELP them in any way, shape or form?
(It’s going to be great theatre!)
(Case in point)
Trump says he’s given advisers instructions for Iran to be ‘obliterated’ if it assassinates him
(from the AP)
This is NOT your Mama’
You just gave me an idea,
Mobile Safe Space and Fruit Smoothie Bar.
Like a food truck, pet psychic will be in the back.
…Sell Ice Cream and Joe would put in an application to drive it!
(since he as lot of free time after failing to destroy the World n all).
Joe’s Scratch and Sniff
And in the sandbox, don’t forget to thoroughly scrub with soap immediately afterwards…
That IS a great idea. The dems are on their heels so hard they’ll NEED some kind of mobile support.
This article is probably one of the best examples of why Trump won the election. It wasn’t some great ideoligical mandate. It’s the economy, stupid.
“The first-time [GenZ] voters that did cast a ballot went for President-elect Donald Trump over Harris by nine points.”
“What’s sh-tty is, we’re holding up our end of the deal,” Scott said. “We’re staying in school. We’re going to college. We’ve been working since we were 15, 16 years old…doing everything that y’all told us to do so that we can what? Still be living in our parents’ homes in our late twenties?”
Trump is willing to fix it all. We have to be willing to help him.
I don’t know about all of that, many of us went to school during the day, worked the night/graveyard shift and lived in some terrible conditions for years. Then we got jobs paying really close to minimum wage while living in some pretty terrible conditions, Read Not My Moms House. We stuck to it, made it to work everyday we did what we were asked even when it was outside of our desired dream job, listened and learned from the silver haired old guys that knew what the hell they were doing. We drove POS Cars, Ate Ramen, Drank Eastside beer… We saved our money and bought an old rundown house in the suburbs, fixed it up sold it and went on to a nicer/newer home. I guess what I’m saying if Comfort and Easy are what they think they deserve they get no sympathy from me.
Wasting your breath bruh.
Maybe dems voted for the economy. Patriots voted to stop the blatant weaponization of the government against the people.
Well that is dem!
TRUTH! (I’d copy the whole thing but I don’t want you to get a Big Ego boost! ) Out of my Biologicals Hell hole @ close to (17) been Fighting ever since! This has not been an easy Rodeo for me this go round. NOT COMPLAINING EVER!
I am Proud of who I am and what I’ve done. Note to Gen ‘Z’ folks: VOLUNTEER! Donate to Society!
DO SOMETHING FOR OTHER THAN YOURSELF (stop looking in the mirror and whining about your troubles!). Put down the ‘Bongs’, stop buying the latest greatest 5G phones
Change your Lense you view life through, get SOBER! Crimeny, My Father almost DIED (4-5-6 times in WAR!, Came home (wounded) G.I. Bill first house since leaving Italy, grew Wine grapes (Vineyard in Richmond Hill, Queens backyard!) Always worked! Took me in (saw himself in me). These people (Z) if there’s no openings @ the Headshops they don’t work?
Now I sound old but I don’t care.
These 'Protestors, BURNING THE AMERICAN FLAG’S! Waving the Mexican Flags? Should ALL BE DEPORTED. These Democrats whipping up the Fear Powder should be ousted, bank accounts drained, Shouting 'WE ARE @ WAR!—well, OK Bang Bang—you first! Socialists! the most useless things on the Planet! Bring NOTHING to the Table but first one’s to eat from the fruits of others labor.
Sorry, damn rant seems endless! I hope these Protests get met w/ severe pushback.
Majorie Taylor Greene calls for these ‘INSURRECTIONISTS’ to be INVESTIGATED! I CONCUR!
There’s nothing quite like flying the flag of the sh!thole country you came from to demonstrate your love, allegiance and appreciation to the country that allowed you to stay in spite of the fact that you broke in.
Irony huh? What a concept!