We just got my girlfriend’s German Shepherd home from her ex- boyfriend (he’s in prison now) and this dog is a joy to have in our family. The other 2 dogs (American bull dog and pit/lab/ retriever mix) get along great with her. Spent $75 that I didn’t have to get her checked out, money WELL SPENT
That’s awesome, @Brian_J! I’ve got a german shepherd and a pit/collie mix. They’re wonderful dogs and friends.
Yes they are, best friends in the world you can have.
That’s a lucky dog… He has you two to look out for him.
She’s a female but thanks she’s already becoming a spoiled brat and loves the laser pointer funnily enough.
I’m looking at our six dogs laying around the living room and they’re all my buddies, but I have a special place in my heart for my German shepherd who, sadly, passed away some years ago.
He was a big guy, 140 lbs., and they most wicked smart dog I’ve ever known. He could tell time, and I mean an analog clock, not digital! We tested it several times and he always learned to read the clock for supper time. Long story but, trust me, he really did tell time.
He was also a great guardian. He started sleeping up against the front door on his own, no training.
Still miss him.
I bet man and wow, he was a huge guy. Saphira is about 85lbs and she seems pretty smart so far. I’d hate to see the poor person that TRY’S to break in, he probably run out of the house crapping his pants seeing her AND Gunner right there to meet him.
My Chewie is about 85 lbs too, and he’s the worlds biggest chicken. Love him to death, but dang, he’s afraid of his own shadow some days. However, he will not let anyone he doesn’t know near my granddaughter. He’s afraid of my daughter, but at least Chewie let’s her near my granddaughter.
Lol, love the name. Saphira is just like my American Bull Dog (AKA Pitbull), they both hate thunder or the sound of my firearms going off on my range in the backyard. Still it amazes me how much she loves the laser dot.
My Pitbull is Harley Quinn (everyone thinks it’s Harley Davidson and she’s a boy because we ride Harley’s, but nope!)
I had no hand in naming either of my dogs. My kids did that.
Cute dogs, Gunner was originally named Speckles at the shelter. I thought that dog probably has issues being named that, so I changed it to Gunner. I shoulda changed it to princess… lol
Love seeing the pictures, Dogs in general make a great addition to a family, especially a Pit bull.
A home is not complete without one.
Strong, loving, intelligent, protective and loyal to their end. Wonderful breed that will make a human family its own.
Our 9 month old is still silly and playful, while loved well by our family, he has large paw prints to fill left by our 15 year old male Boo-Dan three years at rest.
Our other dog is an 8 year old Cane Corso Mastiff, while loving, goofy and really quirky we would not get another when he passes.
Have to figure out how to post pictures here, I’m a bit computer challenged.
You’re forgetting pits are toy hogs that destroy them… lol
Indeed they are power chewers !
Both my dogs and the one no longer with us love to play with old motocross bike tires and my old 16 pound bowling ball in the yard. Only two things that have endured have been the re-purposed items most would have tossed.
Even still we pick up on a few new toys that dont last very long, So much for the ‘‘Power Chewer’’ logos hahahaha
Yeah, well Gunner put the glock I had at the time to the ULTIMATE test. I totally tore it down to replace the trigger and mag release, had all the metal parts up on the shelf because I was about to stipple the grip. Well I got side tracked for just a few minutes with the UPS guy delivering a couple of things. When I came back into my man cave I opened the boxes and then was going to continue with my project. I thought I laid the frame down somewhere, I searched high and low. I heard gunner chewing on what I THOUGHT was his toy. NOPE, it was the frame and it was destroyed. Most expensive toy he destroyed inside 15 minutes.
OH NO!! My pit doesn’t like to share, but will let the german shepherd take toys without a fight. The pit will wait a few minutes until the german shepherd puppy sees something else shiny to go after and then gets the toy the shepherd took away.