Guess where I’m going to dinner tonight? Jersey Mike’s.
I like that they apologized (although I didn’t see what they actually tweeted that was supposed to be a joke), but didn’t take any rash stances around “banning” all guns from their stores etc.
I also like how no one else (per the picture or complaints from anywhere) is alarmed at the customer’s carrying of his weapons, and how the original twit (or tweeter) inaccurately stated the weapon was properly retained. It was retained just fine…just not concealed.
Thanks @RocketPak!
That’s actually an accurate representation (whether intended or not) how ridiculous (and how unConstitutional) much of the proposed gun legislation is.
#13 Mike’s way regular…….that’s what’s for dinner tonight.
Apologize for what? Using humor? They caved in to a snowflake. Time to stop that, it just gives anti-gunners more ammunition to take ours away.
See I would have considered caving pulling a CVS or a Walgreens…which they didn’t (at least no yet). I understand the need to offer an apology (e.g. hey, it was a joke but if it hurt your butt, sorry bout that).
Think I’ll go write them an email thanking them for not over-reacting like other companies.
My local Jersey Mike’s does a deal after 5 or 6 pm… I’d suggest checking out their deal.
BTW - The way that guy was open carrying was pretty terrible IMO (I added the red commentaries):
ok… that is not a pretty site, and i’m straight (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
He’s using the retention many of us “larger” carriers use, that friction retention.
Ok, but all kidding aside, yes really bad, terrible.
Sure James, understood but judging by your avatar pic, i don’t see you walking into a restaurant like the above…lol. I know, i know… apologizes in advance to any and all i’ve offended.
No, definitely not…I’m a “concealed” kinda guy 90% of the time and the other 10% when I’m open carrying, it’s at the range while on RSO duty.
Ok, I can’t tell on the IWB holster, and maybe it’s just my eyes, but the OWB could have retention.
They don’t have a strap over or thumb break, but most of my retention holsters don’t - some have a button low on the side you press with your index finger, and some have a button on the thumb side that is hidden by the firearm itself. In that picture I can’t see that holster well enough to tell if it has an index-side retention button, but if its got the thumb-side one, you would not be able to see it.
So I’m going with “maybe” on this one.
And good on @jerseymikes for not going all anti-2A on it. Turns out there’s one near here - gonna go have lunch there sometime this week.
Mike’s way for the condiments.
I’m with you… slightly more offended by what might show (if his shirt were to shift up and expose what is currently concealed)!
I’m thinking tomorrow a regular #17 with mushrooms on white for lunch and a regular #13 Mikes way - onions, with a banana peppers on white for dinner. I think I have enough to shore points to get at least one of then free!
Lack of a strap does not mean you have no retention. Without a close examination of the holsters you can’t tell what level of retention they have if any.
I’m more concerned that his butt is hanging out and he’s making us all look bad with the butt hanging out, the tight shirt exposing his “dunlap disease” and the exposed 5 o’clock carry.
I don’t see any straps from that holster or clips attaching it to the belt and if there are none then one quick yank removes both gun and holster creating an unnecessary risk to all and pretty well an invitation to anyone willing to attempt a snatch.
EDTA. I was finally able to get the picture to blow up enough to see that the rear holster is in fact some sort of an IWB hybrid and is secured to the belt with what appear to be pretty stout plastic loops which are considerably more secure than open clips.
Might I suggest to all sending a quick email to JM’s in support of them for not being bullied into taking an anti 2nd Amendment stance in reaction to the idiot tweeters?
Yes sir, did it yesterday, although it wasn’t easy (their contact info is very geared toward customer experience in the store or with the website). I ended up sending something as a “store observation” and had to limit myself to 1000 characters.