It's not paranoia if it's true

Your phone is listening to you and you’re on THE list…

What steps do you take to narrow your technology footprint? (Or don’t you?)


I’m out there and, professionally, it is a necessity.


I read this yesterday and the day before that I was tripping because my name was searched lol

I don’t have anything to hide, but if you type your name and USCCA these post will pop on google.

No shame in my game!

Blessings guys!

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I have an Illinois FOID card, and ccw license. I have background checks biannually at work from the DEA. I have background checks from the DCFS and state police to work with kids at church and 4H. If I never used social media, they know my name. So, I will be vigilant about watching what I say on social media.


Now that is true..
But I would not say anything that would come back on me. Others I’ve seen(not here) do.

A childhood friend along with he worked staff with me at Word of God ministries years back was arrested two weeks ago or so by the Secret Service for making threats against our president and five (5) counts of cyberstalking.

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Let me correct myself – Allegations of threats.

Regardless that I’ve seen a lot of the videos he posted and I’m saying he did pose a threat to society and himself, I’m still one a the many few who still believe innocent until proven otherwise in the court of law.


Just be law abiding citizen… :slightly_smiling_face:
Being legal immigrant I’m listed on every US government agency :grimacing:
They probably have more information about me than any criminal at Chicago.
(Sometimes it’s frustrating, any ID or other kind of documents I’ve been applying for always stuck at FBI for over week)
So… I don’t care. I just live my life, trying to avoid “stupid” behaviours… (fe. I don’t use word “bomb” at airport).
Everybody is listening and watching us… And being on “gun owners list” doesn’t bother me. It’s just another list…


Jerzy no surprise there friend. Just as it should be no surprise to anyone who has served in the military, civil service, jobbers for the government, Peace Corp that we are all ‘well documented’ – beyond our taxes!


I try to limit my social media presence and engagements. I also don’t have “smart devices” at my home listening in the background (to include my cell ph).

I was at a work presentation the other day and the topic being covered was a program my company was working on to detect and prevent any WMDs from being used stateside by mass data collection and then analysis of that data. After a few slides with the technologies being used (to include license plate scanning, DL scans, text messages, etc) a wrap up slide touted a balance between privacy and capability. I asked the question about that as I saw the capability but didn’t see any checks to assure any level of privacy, The presenter thought for a minute and said that wasn’t really our company’s responsibility but our end user’s/customer’s.

Privacy is pretty much gone.


:worried: It’s the truth :disappointed:


Here’s a recent video from Canadian Prepper to put it into a nice little video package for you……


I figure I’ve been on some list somewhere since the '70s… just there’s a whole lot more lists to be on now.

Except here, I’m pretty reticent on social media, just trimmed my FB back to family and a handful of close friends. I was pretty much off there for the last 2 years, but I have to get back on for biz reasons.

I don’t do club cards, and theres no possiblity I’ll ever have a smart home or smart car. Alexa does not get to visit my house.


I refuse to buy a smart TV, don’t have hot internet at home, refuse the nest device, no Alexa or her kin. Bad enough my cell phone won’t shut off completely (it will still lock on when my alarm goes off!), The battery is not removable, either.

Been asked if I was a prepper, ah no I’m not but do hold to some of ideas but they also go back to scouting, “Be prepared!”

My brother and sister n law think I’m crazy sometimes when I say I want a 70s or earlier vehicle because of no electronic ignition.

But I have been military with a TS clearance, worked on a TSA contact with a secret clearance, and have fingerprints on due to a couple of jobs I worked.

I’m out there but wish it wasn’t so hard to drop out.