Is Trump showing weakness or Strategy

Yep, weakness.

He’s so weak he just announced the USA is taking over Gaza, Palestinians are getting relocated AND other Muslim countries are paying for it.

What a pansy :rofl:


We don’t need no stinking snipers…”say hello to my little friend”

Seriously, I should be Secretary of Defense! We wouldn’t have this problem, ever!


10 mile wide buffer zone at the border maintained by the 10,000 Mexican troops verified by OUR drones.


exactly :+1:

You get 1 shot, then we’ll “START THE MUSIC”!!


Unless I’m mistaken, I think you guys sent this mail to the wrong member.

How about some A10s also and get that brrrrrrr going.

That would definitely put more GIDDY-YUP in their GOTTA GO NOW.

Don forgot to put a space between @ and Fox.

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Why am I continuing to receive these emails?

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Bee-cause youz now in the ‘System’ bee-cause of ‘My failure to communicate’ clearly as Brother Karacal stated. In USCCA’s mind once you are identified by a member you will continue to be ‘UPDATED’ on this thread. No other thread will update you unless you 'Tick the box ’ saying ‘Keep me in da Loop!’ So my suggestion is go down to the bottom of this page and DESELECT ‘TRACKING’ and Dat should clear it up. Your choices are ‘MUTED’ or ‘NORMAL’ and you shant be notified again unless some dumbaxx mentions you by name like@…(No I won’t go there!)
Good luck Brother

Peace Out

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I never received emails in the past, today nothing but emails from here. I had to go into my settings to change everything back to the way I had it

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It’s a real word.
I type fast and left out the dew-hickey between the ‘N’ n da ‘T’

SHAN’T: Shall Not
But Betwixt or Between itsa reala word! :joy:

yeah, yeah it’s da Car’s fault. i get in and put on my Monicule!, Bowler hat and Drink a
Martini ‘Shaken not…oh nevamind!’

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It’s not that Quack Quack is almighty.

It’s just there are folks weak enough in the head to make believe that is going to happen.