Is there a required political or religious connection in USCCA?

What book says they can murder me? Good luck with that.

Just silly child like stuff, nothing of substance, better you read “Tobacco Road”:slight_smile:


@Don102 Bummer bro. Can understand that you want to call the shots. Will be praying for you and your decision here
 and that His will be done. Take care of yourself. We/I can’t afford to lose you. After all, we would have to find someone that could write like you do! :wink:


I will say this Brother Brad
The ‘Book’ Koran Qu’ran changes with the Teacher,
Iman, Cleric, Local War Lord, Blah, Blah, Blah
What works for one dude changes from another.
I will say they ‘Grill’ AMERICAN TALIBAN
Turncoats/Traitors in just how much these fools actually READ the Book.
This way if the War Lord feels this ‘Infidel’ knows Too much he can’t be swayed
into doing whatever’s needed and a bullet to the head is ordered (or
they take his head----They LIKE doing that).
I will NOT quote chapter and verse to you here, others are more versed in their BS
than I. All I REALLY know is ‘IF SELECTED’ these Cleric’s know their boy.
What he can do, is WILLING to do, and just what buttons to push.
It isn’t hard.
These folk’s WANT to give their life to Al lah, Lah, Allah, Candy canes.
They WANT to die taking as many as they can ‘Infidels’ (that’s you and I Bruh) with them
BECAUSE IT PLEASES THE PROPHET! (‘AL’) and they get (72) Virgins and some coin.
(Don’t tell them being dead means you can’t Bed da Women or there’s no ATM’s in
I also can honestly tell you they are kept-----in the dark about the Outside World.
They don’t ALLOW a child over a certain age to continue being Educated. You reach a certain point, Books STOP COLD. They can READ/RECITE the Koran, listen to the Babble from ‘Elders’ and are pointed in the direction of the Enemy. A HUMAN CLAYMORE.

Anybody care to take it from here?

PS: did anyone get the reference ‘Koran Qu’ran’ like Duran Duran or was I the only one who cracked myself up


What does the Quran say about murder?

And again: “Whoever slays a human being not convicted of murder (
) is considered the slayer of all mankind. Whoever saves the life of a single human being is considered to have saved the life of all mankind!”


​Growing up in a union home, all my Da bodies teamsters were wwii vets, all solid democrats, never met a repub. Some of thire kids like me and my brothers were stuck in catholic schools with sisters ran by jesuits. At the time southerners were not trusted, do not remember even hearing that accent. But never heard any of these veterans babbling about religion, baseball, football women things they remember from europe that was funky that caused them to laugh. Of course that was in the 1950-into the 60’s:} The jesuits bible-bullshited all the time and tried to get guys to become altar boys:) We all had to remember latin as part of all classes, sometimes they even explained what the sayings meant:) Never really took any of the stuff serious:) Just something to fake interest in to get a great education:) But by the 5th grade had my geometry down and was fed up with what I thought was a waste of my time and started getting in trouble with the jesuits. None of the marines or Army grunts I met were religious so hearing so much religious nonsense made me ask about qualifications:) Sure I remember some of it, have a cousin who even at 70 talks to himself if no one will listen about end-times stuff:) Only read a dozen responses to my question, sorry I asked:) My interest is old cars, am restoring a 1950 BelAir, put a brand new spanking 283 with a Holly 4, 1976 Nova rear end, new wiring 18 circuit system, 1800 amp stereo, so far:) Use to practice with my .380 twice a month until the flu, only gone three times since it ended, but the place left I can go wants 35.00 a day and folks walking around with no sense of safety handling enforced, smell of alcohol. Anyway sorry about the question:)

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God bless you brother. You’re a man of admirable faith and courage.


'NOW CUT THAT OUT! ----Jack Benny :blush:


First amendment, brother! I’ll say whatever I please!! :smiley:


‘What’s Dat?’ :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


I see you’ve met Benjamin Netanyahu.

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The reference was too subtle I’m afraid. That said, keep on challenging us, I for one aspire to be fluent in Donmerican!


Hmmmmmm, I accept that! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: My ‘Emoji’ screen limits me now (.gov restrictions?) :rofl:


We could use 100 Bibis.


If you look at the phrase immediately preceding that it says: to the Jews we say

According to their thinking it only applies to Jews, not them.


I know very little about the Qur’an. I can only guess they are talking about the “Jews” as in from the house of Judah, who sold his brother Joseph into slavery.

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Don’t do the moslem shuffle. Are you a closet moslem or something? Our brief interaction is about the partial verse you quoted. You don’t know much about the koran said every moslem I’ve talked with.


I want to know, before I answere your question,are there any good prizes for playing this game? What do I win if I get the answers right? You are going to have to come up with something good. I want to know the rules before I start playing.

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The opinions and banter can be fun
but where are the facts, either way?


I am not sure, I think they are hidden between the lines. I will wait for @William191 to confirm it.