Is there a required political or religious connection in USCCA?

Since you have a BA in history I was wondering what your thoughts on this were.

Just wondering if you find it interesting?

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The question remains do you think we are hardwired for war so we can stay at war? Do you think we are hardwired for war so we can destroy our enemy so we can have peace?


I meant hardwired. As to the reason why, I would guess itā€™s part of the survival instinct.


Thank you for youā€™re Service Bruh.


Si vis pacem, para bellum
ā€œIf you want peace, prepare for war.ā€ Brother

Which do humans prefer ā€˜THE STICK OR THE CARROT?ā€™ Democrats Pre----oh nevamind!



Like war genocide is also pretty common, no country on earth has not at sometime done it. Like religions cultures war connection to moralty, ethics and rules, once the killing starts! All become background noise like screaming children after a bombing raids. In our civil war Chamberlains Irish sargent Kilroy coined the phrase ā€œKiller Apesā€ describing men, but had no opinion on races of men, detested those that did in reference to Afro Americans. ā€œKiller Ape hurts, as to me it seems to fits to close. As the Harty Irish tribe I belong to was first established in Massachusetts, and the only reason the WASP wanted us catholics was as fighters, and cannon fodder, so we have a rather narrow view of it all:) [ forgot how hard we are to killā€:] Intelligence makes men more aware, maybe even sensitive, but none of that really matters. In 3 months you can be taught to free your mind, your ass will follow to murder, in cold blood complete strangers:) Thousands of years of history bear witness:) Think Truman must be turning in his grave with the isrealiā€™s acting like the naziā€™s. But as I say, it is what we are. Guess maybe just a end game in our species survival as a collective gene, like aging toward mass sucide part of the set?


Veterans versus civilians, one is selfless, puts hi ass on the line for his brother/sister, civilians say ā– ā– ā– ā–  like ā€œwhatā€™s in it for meā€. Why I avoid militia, having weapons used to require responsibility, they have none. My Da and his brothers, my mom and her brothers would have kicked our ass if they caught us in the street with a loaded gun. Also trust, veterans are taught to work as a group, they have been trained in disciple, a skill which lately seems missed in TI, in basic failed their missions with a small segment serving today. Still, with a few grunts would still chopper in at 78 anywhere they were with drugs:)

The meek shall inherit the earth. The meek are the strong. The ones who kill the murderers. The ones who resist the temptation to murder.

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Mysticism, religion are like magical parlor tricks for manipulation:) Better to stay with self judgement though use
of ā€œOccamā€™s razorā€ real world evaluations. Then your decision will actually be made by you, now:) And the only meek
I know are the citzens killed in the crossfire in war. Way before all the warriors would be dead all other creatures
will have starved to death.


I use what ever works. I donā€™t judge people for what they use. It doesnā€™t mater how one gets there as long as one gets there and doesnā€™t want to murder. If we allow murder we will all be dead a lot sooner. Killing actually adds length to life, unless someone gets caught in the crossfire. Loving gets us all there a lot sooner.

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Thatā€™s all good and well but what are you going to do when you come across the guy that hates you? The reason he hates you is solely because you donā€™t believe like him. His religion tells him because you donā€™t believe like him then you must die. Thereā€™s nothing you can say to change his mind, he doesnā€™t respect you and he doesnā€™t care if you live or die. In fact he would prefer you dead. By killing you, he has done a good thing for his god. Thereā€™s no such thing as freedom of speech or religion in his mind. He will give you three options: 1) convert to his religion, 2) pay a tax so he doesnā€™t kill you, 3) die.

Too many people live in a la-la wonderland expecting everyone has the same beliefs and value system as they do. America is the world exception and because we have it good we think the whole world thinks like we do. Too many of us here have had to do things, seen things we will never forget and when try to warn people their la-la wonderland breaks and they donā€™t believe us. They refuse to think or believe anything that doesnā€™t fit wonderland.

Sheep get slaughtered and guard dogs die only once. It we are trained to keep the wolves away. Jesus said there will come a time when people will do evil thinking they are doing god a service.

I have snow to shovel.


He can not kill you. That would be murder. Unless you are trying to murder him. His religion does not tell him he can murder.

Good luck with that, donā€™t get hurt. I lift with my legs.

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@Don102 First, prayers for another no big shakes MRI. Have to admit, had my first head MRI last year. Canā€™t handle that mask. I made it through, but it sucked. Good luck!


Itā€™s BIGGER, No Worries

Thanks for the Prayers


@Don102 Does it being bigger mean problems or itā€™s just bigger, no biggie, weā€™ll see you next year?


OK, It means that the Tumor has Grown
WE want to take a Biopsy now
(They never cared about that before)
And we need to schedule you for some ā€˜Testsā€™
I said No Thank you to all suggestions.
The Taliā€™s never Killed me
The Somaliā€™s didnā€™t kill me (although they came close)
The Syrianā€™s gave it their best

STILL HERE Folkā€™s, You arenā€™t opening my head.
(3) Brothers died when they went in to Survey their head wounds
A lot of Grunts survived their ā€˜Headshotsā€™ without these Vultures going in.
You canā€™t tell me how long I have only GOD knows when he wants me HOME.
Iā€™ll wait for his call (INTACT)
God and I have an understanding
Once we deport all the little bestards, My Family and Yours are safe Iā€™ll go home.
Once we KNOW these Criminal Democrabs are all gone Iā€™ll go ho,e.
Till then I stick!



As I had a doctor tell me once. Donā€™t let yourself be talked into being some doctorā€™s pet experiment. There are certain things they can cure or make better and there are experiments. Donā€™t let yourself be an experiment.


They are only practicing medicine. Nobody has mastered it yet.


what??? sounds like you have NOT read their bookā€¦ it does tell him to murder youā€¦ READ THEIR BOOK!!!

so he can kill you and so can his womanā€¦ and his childrenā€¦ so your claim is kinda wrong IMHOā€¦

or make you convertā€¦ or make you pay a taxā€¦ and make you wear special clothsā€¦ (ID purposes)

and disarm youā€¦

and if one or more show up at your house you must feed and provide for them for 3 daysā€¦

they make you a 3rd class citizenā€¦ and our women are 4thā€¦ and chattelā€¦ (sex slaves mostly)

oh on reading their book it can be very difficult to read as it is arranged by length of verseā€¦

so you will probably need a Hadith which is written by a Imamā€¦

and different Imams have different interpretations so GLā€¦


To this ignorant of the teachings in that book, can someone post some actual quotes of this terrible stuff?