Do you also enjoy watching Sabine on YouTube? She makes me laugh…a lot of quantum stuff.
I can’t comment on Quantum Physics nor quantum computers. I am inept in these studies.
I’m not familiar with Sabine on youtube but I’m curious
Fascinating experience
Experiment designed to satisfy physicists who demand physical proof. They provide a solution to Einstein’s inability to prove the existence of extra dimensions outside of the time/space continuum using traditional math. He gave up in frustration before stating that reality is a persistent illusion but being unable to prove it referred to entanglement as “spooky action at a distance”.
We are indeed. I was not talking about simulations using quantum computers which are old hat but successful experiments featuring physical observation of photons and living organism entanglement which have been accomplished within the last 10 years.
She has a killer sense of humor.
Not old simulations. New test showing a problem solved that should be impossible to solve in the time it was unless resources from other universes were not used during processing. Needless to say this is a high level summary. I’ll try to find the article.
Don Cloud Van Damme!
You gotta be related to Jean Claude Van Damme

What is, is. The Natural Law must be obeyed first. Then and only then can it be commanded.
Well naturally. It is not nice to fool Mother Nature. If you can’t beat’m join em.
You can’t beat her. And you’re joined to her whether or not you like it. Resistance is futile.
You know this is true because you see the Left in defiance of Natural Law at every turn. And see what happens to them?
No matter how many hormone blockers they swallow nor how many sex change operations they have, boys still haven’t become girls and girls haven’t become boys. All they have done is mutilate a bunch of boys and girls. Sad. Sick.
No matter how much money they waste on wind powered turbines, no matter how many coal plants they shut down, no matter how much drilling they make illegal – they still can’t supply all our power needs.
No matter how much money they print – it will never be enough.
No matter how many wars they start – the peace will never come about.
Reality will not be denied. When you attempt to f#ck with reality – reality will f#ck you over completely. Just for the hell of it and with complete impunity.
Natural Law is indifferent to the human experience and condition. It need not work with us. But we must work with it. The only alternative is death, suicide.

No matter how many wars they start – the peace will never come about.
Peace doesn’t come about by starting wars. Peace comes about by ending wars. My 2¢
Want a penny change:)
Welcome Joseph615.
As we once heard “Careful what we talk about at the dinner table, such as religion and politics”. Why do we think that old saying exists?
I think freedom includes believe what you want and respect what others believe. JIMHO.
As long s I don’t let myself get drawn into that convo, I should be safe/ok, so long as I be respectful, kind to others, be lawful and a good neighbor. So, I hope.
War is hotwired in the human psyche.

As we once heard “Careful what we talk about at the dinner table, such as religion and politics”. Why do we think that old saying exists?
Good, intelligent people can share their ideas on these topics without issue. It is when people bring unfounded ideas adn/or shove ideas down others’ throats that we get into trouble.
We occasionally have that problem on this forum…and I’m having it “again” on one of my mailing lists. “Everyone is entitled to my opinion” isn’t a great approach for conversation.
Welcome to the family brother @Joseph615 and we are glad to have you here. And NO, you do not have to have any political or religious connection to be part of this family.
I find it just plain nonsensical that folks come to a place where the only thing you have to do there is express opinions and thoughts – and then proceed to complain about people expressing opnions and thoughts.
“Everyone is entitled to my opnion” really means: “Ugh! I hate your thoughts and opinions and I can’t think of anything better to say – even though I didn’t have anything to do with the conversation to begin with and I don’t have the balls to just ignore it and find something better to do with my time! I’d rather complain about you than to take the time to think up and express nobler thoughts!”

War is hotwired in the human psyche
Anything hotwired can be disconnected very easily. Unless you meant hardwired, which I would disagree with.
Meant as the reality alluded to to in “Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War” In SAC we often joked about peace through superior firepower, not the original motto:) We were all convinced having B-52 [buff] MF flying up to your enemies borders 24-7, loaded with nukes calmed these wild commie mf zeal for war:) We had zip illusions about why russia/china did not attack us in the 1960’s:) And ancient history verifies few times of peace over centuries. Of course weapon fabrication is the most profitable industry, and [1%] Americans, taken from any part of civilized country can be turned into soldiers who can go up against the best anywhere! Humans are hardwired for it! Purely my observation backed by thousands of years of printed history…and a BA in history:)