Is the Constitution a right or a privilege

This s easy, it’s a right.


All the talk and all the chatter is meaningless. This point was settled when the Constitution was voted into law. What ‘you think’ and what ‘I think’ today does not matter. The Second Amendment was written into the law before any one us was born. The law states, 'We have the ‘RIGHT’! ANYONE THAT TRIES TO MAKE THAT SAY ANYTHING ELSE IS COMPLETELY WRONG!


Hello and welcome @Kevin336 @Roddy1


I used to live in Illinois. The state is very corrupt. I would move out. In fact, I did.


Corrupted…you say…
Hmm…sir, what’s your SSN number?..
Just kidding… :joy:

Welcome to the Community @Timothy190 .


The most important words in the Second Amendment, “The Right of the People”. These words mean it is a Human Right. To require a permit to exercise your human right is inhuman. The Bill of Rights is a Bill of Human Rights. Joe Biden said “No Amendment is absolute”. When a politician says a human right is not absolute, they will oppress, imprison, torture and murder anyone who has a different opinion. Joe’s kind of thinking resulted in more millions of people in the last century. Our Human Right to own and carry firearms is an absolute Human Right.


Amen, Daniel18


Hello and welcome @Timothy190


Thank You All


The Constitution didn’t gives us our rights you are born with them. The Constitution and the Bill of rights is not a list of your rights. What it is, is a list of limitations put on the government on what they can and can not do when it comes to our born with rights. A lot of the laws the governments be it local, state, or federal. They are unconstitutional We the People should not have to get a permit to purchase or own or have or carry a firearm of our choice. But we have been asleep at the wheel and WE allowed them to pass the rules and regulations we are dealing with today. But as our forefathers said we have given you this but you must remain vigilant and stand fast in order to keep it. Yeah that’s just a paraphrase of their message to us , their Posterity. They gave us Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. But it’s up to us We The People of today’s America to keep this alive and well, and pass these blessings on down to our Posterity. It’s all on us ladies and gentlemen. Stay safe, stay strong, and Live your Constitution.


Very True


It’s a liberty meaning some one can take it away if they deem you unfit to hold said liberty ,


It’s a God given right, someone was just inspired to put it in writing on the constitution.


All the truth about the Constitution just goes over people’s heads in democrat~run cities like L.A. Some think it’s irrelevant and even outdated. To some it’s just a historical piece of information. And it’s been like that for decades in some places. For example, a few powerful families like the Pelosis, Gettys and Newsomes have controlled CA for many, many years. This is why voting in places like L.A. is hardly effective. I often read comments chastising Californians for voting in corrupt officials, but is that what’s really happening (question). I remember expecting a good outcome when I participated in overturning gunmageddon. But I was very disappointed and naive, thinking that enough people would turn out and vote. Perhaps many people voted but as we saw what they did with the last and most recent election, powerful people were able to suppress votes to their advantage. Then to compound this problem, the demographics in a lot of these places are filled with citizens and non~citizens who are oblivious to our cause, even though the tide seems to very recently be turning in our favor. But the enemies of the Constitution think up new ways to counter the tide, including allowing illegal aliens entry and providing them with aid that belongs to legal immigrants and Americans. By doing this, they easily create sycophants among their constituents.


I think people are confusing the right to keep and bear arms. With the right to carry a firearm out and about . At the time of inception the right to keep and bear arms in its context was because of immanent threat of war, and the Aboriginal Americans who were merely defending themselves against foreign invaders. ( but that’s another story) the right did not extend to some individuals. The Chinese for example you know the ones who helped build the railroads . We’re not allowed to have guns. Some blacks not allowed newly minted free people , none. Some Germans , most Italians , several Irish , not to mention polish Norwegian, Scandinavians or most non Anglo Saxon Protestants unless you were using it to hunt or defend life and limb you owning a gun was a no go it is a highly romanticized notion of guns and the old days , but the fact remains it was different than now for many reasons . Liberty is a thing some one lets you do , while a right is something some are born with but have to fight for or prove you earned it most people who fight for this country myself mostly did it to prove I am worthy of the rights bestowed upon others in society and I was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice to prove it . I got half way there We enjoy liberties but our rights are and can be curtailed or taken out of context you have the right to remain silent or find yourself in contempt of court for staying quiet unless they are trying to compel you to speak. You have the right to free speech unless some one complains your speech ain’t to their liking. We have the right to assemble unless we go to the capital and try to overturn a lawful election then that is insurrection . Sedition and treason and those involved should not have the privilege to carry fire arms period .


Well…let’s see…Bozo Biden said no Constitutional right is absolute…and that clown wasted his money going to law school!!!


Constitutional rights are not absolute. That’s the fact.
They never have been and never will be.

So far American Construction has been the most respected document and huge part of our life is based on it.
But this is the document that can be interpreted, like the Bible… Everything can be understood differently…it just depends how we look at things…


As I see it they are absolute or they wouldn’t be called “rights”. Every citizen is entitled to them. That people ALLOW them to be taken away is another story.


According to the founding documents of the United States of America the right to keep and bear arms is a God given right to self defense and protection against government tyranny. As the Communist Party USA has so infiltrated our society, government and educational system, they have, more and more, pushed us to the belief that the 2nd Amendment is a privilege granted by the government. A cursory study of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America will show the error of their ideology.


Indeed!!! Some folks have never heard of the “Federalist Papers”. They’re like a commentary on the Constitution.

Even moreso…because teaching the Constitution is no longer done to a great degree, many people don’t even know the Constitution…they believe what they’ve heard or what the teacher said…:confused: