OK, so the guy acts a fool while the cops are around and get’s arrested. I get that part, but this part,
“The postal inspector reported that this package is the sixth or seventh package like this Justin and Melinda have received this year.” makes me wonder how much info the USPS collects and stores about regular old US Mail users. Like where does it come from read Ammoland…
Mike, We are turning into a ‘Police State’
That is what a Communist/Socialist state does.
No, I am not talking Conspiracy Theory or Anti-Left rhetoric.
This is what they do:
.Gov Intrusion in all aspects of people’s lives Telling us what Machines to buy? Certain Foods?
Restrict Movement and Travel
OVER POLICE the PUBLIC: We now have 85K IRS Agents, Armed FEMA,
TSA in all aspects of Travel: Air and Sea. NO .Gov agency is Temporary.
Once it’s on the books it’s there forever.
Surveillance cameras everywhere. Dept. stores, roads, Streets.
Restrict Sales, Ownership of Guns and our 2A Rights and Freedoms.
The continuous threats of Gun confiscation, Imprisonment.
Over Taxing it’s citizens: Birth to DEATH Taxes.
Soon (if we let this continue) we will be in Lockdown again
made possible by Lies and disinformation by the Federal .Gov.
‘Monkey Pox’ now? Really? Seriously? Avian Flu’s? EAT BUGS, Vax’s, Chip Implants?
(don’t think too hard the answer is NEVER)
The Socialist is by far the most dangerous and wicked group to ever Ruin a Country/Nation.
They Produce NOTHING themselves. They repackage FAILED antiquated Ideologies (that never work), haven’t ever worked yet they are too stupid to Evolve or adjust their actions to make them a success.
We have many examples of Socialist Failed States:
Venezuela , Nicaragua, Somalia, Nigeria, China (The People’s Republic–Yeah right!)
Most of Europe, Australia…
Anywhere they claim to be for the people when what their main
goal is More Government, More Restrictions, Less Freedoms an
erosion of people’s rights. Taking away our money, security and Independence.
Eventually leading to: .Gov approved Food stores, Marshall Law, Uniforms, Segregation
Gulag’s and .Gov approved housing. (Think Prison w/ Flowers and Drones flying overhead.)
(15) minute cities
Sanctuary cities
No personal vehicles (Bicycles perhaps)
A Worker’s Nightmare (and you thought I’d give you a break and say Paradise).
If you think I am off base look @ Minnesota, California, Chicago, New York.
They will Tax us to death to achieve their goals.
And when they can’t get anymore money from us because we are destitute they will FAIL!.
A .gov who produces NOTHING but Laws, rules, restrictions (Negative Energies) will eventually run out of your money.
The Soviet Union, Poland, Germany, England USA are all over run by Illegals of ALL flavors.
We are supposed to know how many traipsed threw our country but we really have no idea.
Why is THIS .gov giving Illegals EVERYTHING? and it’s own Citizens Nothing?
When you can answer that one you are way ahead of most of us.
Why is Ukraine so important to the Elites/Cabal? Besides being a money laundering scheme with zero oversight? Hmmmmm?
Lastly, WHERE ARE ALL THE CHILDREN? The Illegals bring children over the Borders and they are separated, disappeared (a valuable commodity indeed). It’s NOT THEIR CHILDREN either. It’s forgotten/Abandoned children who are then turned to the Sex trades or as FOOD for the rich.
Where are the Trials/Convictions for Epstein Island frequent Flyers? Hillary Clinton’s Crimes evaporated, Obama’s illegal activity? They literally get away with MURDER.
How do all these Politicians (Public servants my Ass) have 3-4 Mansions, Yacht’s, Kids in Ivy League schools on Civil Servants salaries.
Pudding himself has been stealing for over 50 years. His entire family prospered beyond anybody’s imagination. Nancy Pelosi is UBER RICH! and they take meetings w. the Millionaire/billionaires of the World. Where’s Hunter’s Trials? Burisma? CCP Connections, 10% for the big guy.?
Soros, Gates, Cuban (Mark), Bloomberg. etc. have total access to the White House
Who is actually running this country? (The Elites are, The Vatican, The Cabal that’s who)
It’s sickening.
It’s time to get back to Kansas Toto…
Right on Don 102 that,s the truth
Big brother is never the good guy
Because one person was infected with the EEE virus…
But during the “PLANDEMIC” .gov didn’t mind killing off the elderly.
It’s all about control and .gov knows best.
Massachusetts Town Sets Curfew Over Rare, Deadly Virus | Watch (msn.com)
Should be obvious. During the VID they floated out a whole lot of buzz words and phrases followed by restrictions and then enforcement. They watched, how effective is this phrase, how much objection did we get to that restriction. AND the main one is How Much Compliance Did We Get. Now, it would seem, that “Elderly”, “Deadly virus” and “Rare” are the ones that worked the best then so they are using them now.
Big Brother needs ‘The next big thing’ (distraction: Health, Financial collapse, WAR) before the Voting public goes to the poles.
Mi dos Centavos
This bears saying again…
The 11 scariest words in the English language:
I am from the Government, and I am here to help.
Run the hell the other way if that’s what you hear Brother!
(or unload the entire Mag if that’ll be more expediant!)
I love the smell of Cordite in the morning…it smells like …Victory—R.Duvall
Wha??? Thought it was napalm!
OH SH**! It was Napalm wasn’t it! Mea Culpa!