"Indoor", inexpensive shooting ranges for handguns near zip 95407

Looking for close to home range to practice hitting a target at 25, 50 feet, with a .380 auto. Is there a 50 state list ?

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Just open maps on your phone and search for ranges. I’ve been a member of Range USA for 5 years and they have locations all over the country. You can also search on their website. Where ever you choose to shoot if you plan on going at least 2x a month or bring another shooter, look at a membership, will save money that way


I do have a couple of suggestions that have worked for me. The first is using a laser round and an app on the phone for scoring. I have the ELMS system by G-Sight and it wroks well for me and my wife.
We make a game of it. https://g-sight.com/ .
The other ‘work around’ that was taught to me by a Navy Capt. way back when requires a post-it note and a pencil. Unload the firearm and ensure it is clear. Put a small mark on the post-it note and stick it on the wall about eye ball level for you. For semi autos, cock the fire arm. For revolvers, pull the hammer back. Slide the pencil down the barrel and stand close enough that the end of the pencil is about 1 inch from the paper. sight in one the mark you made and pull the trigger. The firing pin will strike the eraser and the pencil will slide out and mark the paper. Repeat this 10 times and then look at the pattern. If you have one single mark, then you have very good sight alignment and trigger squeeze. The pattern you see on the post-it note will not lie to you. I found this drill to be rather humbling.


Welcome to the community!

Is that a Cali zip? If so I think you’ll have to wait some years to find a decent one. Of course if you don’t mind standing in ashes, I bet you could find a good price without any waiting time with.

It is, looks like Nothern Ca. Somona.

Should have qualified am a veteran, so usually have personal ranges, there usually reasonable, the militia fields start at $35, and are absent even basic Old NRA rules so any veterans who live near Santa Rosa should have a list of field sites in old airfields or abandon farms that are close able to public access. Wondering if all these trainers are veterans, already heard a few suggestions that sounded to John Wayne for real grunts to utter:) Not a big fan of wants be’s:) They never romanize duty. So looking for place cheap enough for weekly trips. Joe6pK

I would be looking for a home out of California first, then the range.


Much safer here, we never run away just adapt, earthquakes, floods ■■■■ happens, climate changes is mother natures way of saying eradicate abusers, or join the dinosaurs, last election says we are ready for extinction:)

If you are in the Sonoma area - with a quick search I only found one nearby indoor option without expanding the search down to the Bay Area sprawl. No idea how much it costs:

Sebastopol Rifle & Pistol Club

Unfortunately it doesn’t look like there is any Forest Service or BLM land nearby which is always my first choice for a practice location. Assuming I can find an out of the way spot with a good backstop.

Ya, shoot at that range 30 years ago, very neighborly and monitored for yahoo:) Had bolt action 45 cal stump of a rifle. Tore things up at a 100 yards, loved chunks old wood:) It could do some serious damage:) Used to shoot car doors behind a demolition derby field where it had 5 foot trenches:) Car doors were thrown into:) Use to take rad angle shoots, sometime doors went airborne:) At 14 that was sort of thrilling, until our uncles drew attention to fact it was reckless, dangerous for folks:) Right at that moment and place our uncles proceeded to teach me and my only other veteran brother to shoot 30-odd 6 and 8mm, standing, laying flat, or bunched up, we both survive our tours, so guess we learned enough. Did think that range had folded, will check it out, it was a family owned concern:) May the wind be on your back, going uphill Shamrock::):slight_smile:

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