They are EXACTLEY the problem! The Zealots.
That is why I believe in love. One might say Hamas are islamic zealots. One might say someone that has a passion for a religion instead of compassion for a religion is a zealot. I have nothing against religion. One has to know when to turn it off/anround and become human.
Illegal immigration has three well established and understood purposes.
1- change the makeup of the country and pad the numbers of people counted in the census (yes illegals are counted, same as residents) in liberal states which means more Democrats in congressional seats.
2- add illegal votes as more and more initiatives are being proposed and in some places already implemented to allow them to vote.
3- as the actively fueled NATIONAL crime wave swells the population’s ignorant but LOUD segments demands more and more control from the government who is more than happy to use it to increase/secure power and diminish freedom in order to increase “security”.
This is EXACTLY the game plan Chavez ran in Venezuela which turned the richest country in Latin America into a Socialist broken Dictatorship in less than one generation.
Or in Spanish, want more ham. I don’t know, do you?
“AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH HAMAS” “Gesundheit!”
When you get what you voted for…
“Now it just feels like that whole section of the community is not available to us anymore,” one resident told the outlet. “Our parks are not available to us anymore, we can’t go there".
Yous calls yosef a ‘Sanctuary City’, Yoz all Knew what Aoc, Da Mayor and all your little Socialist
Dem. Party Elites! Then it HITS! and you cry and wet yosef! ‘NOT IN MY BACKYARD!, WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!’ Eat THAT Brooklyn next time you elect a Bartender to do your bidding!
I guess you just hafta smoke yer Crack in yo houze now! Pity!
This is just the start folk’s, If Cackles Votes hersef she’ll get @ least one lonely vote.
I keep saying it’s not immigration…it’s an INVASION.
And yet most of them will vote for Harris. Elect a government that manufactures problems, then cry to the government to fix your problems. Rinse and repeat.
These same Folk’s Vote 'STRAIGHT BLUE!"
Don’t know, Don’t Care who they are They are Demoncrats!
Well, Bon Apatite!
Everyday someone gets reminded of a decision made in the past bites them in the a$$ later. Some, more than others.