Illinois Assault weapons ban

Was a Democrat until he became a “Republican In Name Only” - he remained such until he died.


I live in Texas and I have a1,10 ROUNDS BARRELS FOR MY TOOLS AND THEY ARE ALSOME. AND THEY NEED TO MOVE TO TEXAS ASAP. KAZ 15 today and 8, tomorrow :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::beer::popcorn::poop::poop::poop::us:vote with your feet :bangbang::bangbang::us::chile::chile::chile::chile::chile::chile::partying_face::owl::feather::feather::v:t5::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::blue_heart::chile::chile::chile::chile:UN LIMITED .:chile::chile::chile::bangbang::bangbang::us::us::us: MOVE TO TEXAS I JUST GOT MY FIFTY ROUND MAGAZINES TODAY FEDX :bangbang::bangbang::chile::chile::chile::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::v:t5:


15 rsd or 16 rds… doesn’t matter to me. I always carry 2 mags so going from 33 to 31 is not a problem.
If I’ll need more in self defense… I’m f%^$ed up anyway … :face_with_diagonal_mouth:



Love ya brother you have it covered right is mite have a blessed night love Bobby Jean and Debbie ann :chile::us::owl::feather::feather::beer::popcorn::hibiscus::blossom::heart::blue_heart::white_heart::bangbang:


That looks like our attorney Tom I have watched all of his videos and that’s 70 plus hours of video great stuff I love him Bobby Jean


This is scary I have spent too much money and legally to have what I have spent my hard earned money on :bangbang: AND PAID TAXES FOR EVERY THING :bangbang:AND THE GOVERNMENT WANTS TO TAKE ALL MY PROPERTY AWAY BECAUSE. THEY HAVE decided that my RIGHTS ARE. For their TAKING AND NO MATTER WHAT I HAVE DONE FOR MY GOVERNMENT . And THE PAIN AND SUFFERING I AM IN RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I . Did GOOD FOR MY. Country. They want to take away our rights and freedoms because of criminals :question::us::chile::bangbang:. NOT SO FAST. WE HAVE PAID FOR OUR FREEDOM. AND WE HAVE FOUGHT FOR TO KEEP IT :us::us::us::chile::bangbang::owl::feather::feather::eagle::dizzy::stop_sign::stop_sign::stop_sign:STOP TREADING ON US :us::chile:


Without laws, without boundaries, a civilized society will implode. But those laws and boundaries must be established and APPLIED equitably for the WHOLE.


Mark 697 LOOK AT THAT SWEET LITTLE BOY HE NEVER HURT. ANY. One . He is precious. . :chile::us::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Dave17 BROTHER IF YOU WANT TO HAVE FUN TODAY IS MOMAS 84 Birthday so I sent her. JUST, Happy new year :confetti_ball::fireworks::balloon:

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And it sends explosions fireworks and it’s better than balloons :balloon: for saying happy birthday KAZ when you say . Happy birthday …. That sends up balloons :balloon: I sent happy new year … and touch every single little thing that makes Booms Boom so special I love it I have worn that out out haw haw haw have a root beer :beer: brother :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::popcorn::+1::birthday::gift::100::feather::feather::us::chile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::notes::notes::notes:

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Those laws need to be established and APPLIED as they benefit the USA.

Our enemies need not apply!


I met these brothers and they had the best barbecue ribs ever . Love em :chile::us::notes::notes::notes::beer::popcorn::bangbang::100::100::100:

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David 237 . I FOUND SOMETHING THAT WAS STRANGE. ON A LOT OF FIREARMS IT SAYS . ILLINOIS . On the weapon . So they make a lot of guns :bangbang::us: BUT THEY DONT WANT ANY ONE THERE TO HAVE THEM :question::question::feather::feather::chile::us::us::question::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: