You’ve just defended yourself and your loved ones with lethal force. Your body is amped on adrenaline and your mind is racing. What do you do next? Why can’t you remember what they told you to do in your concealed carry class? Do you reholster? What do you tell the police?
Those are the types of situations we train for mentally and physically. However, in a high-stress situation, you may struggle to remember something if you haven’t trained for that possibility enough.
Here is a blog post to help you with your deadly force aftermath mental training.
The new standard is to wait 72 hours for details to surface from your memory. The police are not going to want to wait 72 hours for you, however that’s their new standard. I go through similar training when it comes to report writing and incident recollection once a year.
This post was just for those who like to stay up to date on that stuff, not trying to start anything or “correct” anyone.
I have been told since I was young follow LE’s orders when they arrive but don’t say anything until you talk to a lawyer. I have often wondered how this would be taken by LE.
I agree you call 911 and be very brief but concise about what you say. Then call USCCA who can put you in touch with an attorney on their rapid response team and, other than identifying yourself, do not say anything else to the police except you are waiting for your attorney!
I will see what official word i can grab, this is the standard set by HFRG (Human Factor Research Group). I know the hand to hand portion is talked down on a lot by Law Enforcement, but the portion that deals with mind set, adrenaline and report writing (the effects of adrenaline and traumatic incident on memory) are really good.
This article properly references Bruce Siddle, one of the minds behind HFRG. This guy has been studying to the benefit of Law Enforcement for more than 40 years. This is where the 72 hours comes from.
EDIT: Critical Incident Amnesia is the proper phrase for this. I completely forgot to mention it last night.
My initial concealed carry class wasn’t a USCCA class. When I took the USCCA Concealed Carry class after starting here I learned SO much more than I had in the original class I took!
One thing I never thought of when I was taking my concealed carry class initially is that it’s OK to ask for medical help if you need it even if you’re waiting for your attorney.
I very well could be injured and being prepared to ask for medical assistance is not a bad thing.
It is beyond alright to ask for medical help, you definitely need to ask. I’ve seen hundreds of police involved shootings where immediately after the suspect was neutralized and the scene was confirmed safe, the police start emergency medical treatment.