I Am A Shooter

Me: Bedford-Stuyvesant then East New York, USN 1975-1978. I walked to Ebbet’s Field on occasion but usually took a couple of buses (St. John’s Place/Utica Ave to Lorimer Street IIRC). Today, if I returned to NYC, I wouldn’t board a subway. Yet in the late 50s, my 12 yo buddy and I would head up to the Museum of Natural History with nary a care in the world.


No television since 1970. Raised four children without it. School physiologist said my kids would be severely damaged without a tv. They lied. They all graduated and attended college. Families of their own and good paying jobs and no tv’s either.


Ditto here in 2007. No broadcast radio or TV, meaning I never ever have to listen to another commercial, no mo ZNN, thank GOD! And no more Leftist Marxist Democrat programming, tampon ads, Big Pharma ads for made-up medicines (with no actual disease to combat), no anti-men razor ads, no anti-white statements, and no more anti-gun rhetoric.

There’s your ammo money, guys. It’s $70-180/mo for that crap.
I have Netflix and Amazon Prime for entertainment, and nary a commercial.


I despise commercials! Don’t even turn on the radio in the company truck. Got a chuckle when a coworker turned on the radio in my truck while out of state and cranked up the volume. Pure static! The look on his face was priceless!!!

Anyone who grew up in the generation you speak of, know this writing is spot on. :dart:

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How about murderer? Killer?

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