How will a war in Europe affect you 2.0?

Don’t turn your guns into plowshares yet. Buy more ammo. :thinking:


Gas prices I’m paying 4,99 a gallon for diesel 25 bucks for a little less than half a tank. It will hit all of us when we start to shortages at the supermarket. We know beef is up there pork is going up so are eggs!


That’s why I am at a loss to understand what Vlad has planned. Will he sit a puppet President and withdraw? That works until the next elections. Does he plan to occupy the country indefinitely, to assure they don’t re-arm, at infinite cost to Russian economy? Does he plan to invade every time the Ukrainians get close to dangerous? I cannot see a coherent picture of the future. This is Europe and 21st century after all.
I don’t believe he is medically crazy either, his generals wouldn’t tolerate that.

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Clad is out to make money as he is an opec country the oligarchs stand to make billions in the coming weeks the longer it drags out even with sanctions they will only affect the Russian people. He ( Putin ) is very insulated his commingled funds are tied up in German assets and in French assets and to round of Chinese assets as well as African assets countries we are not sanctioning. Geo political scope it’s not a Russia Ukrainian issue its a global fracture if nato doesn’t act soon

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I am not sure what his ultimate end game is either except for maybe @Owen2 ‘s idea of raising oil prices. This may be what he is counting on to help pay for this adventure. He may also think that his propaganda machine might be strong enough to prop up his chosen puppet. I don’t know how successful that will be though Ukraine was run by a pro Russian politician before he was replaced with US help by the current pro West regime.

Probably his most positive outcome would be a negotiated end to his invasion that formally gives Russia territory in the East and Black Sea areas.


I hope a few more billions will make this carnage worth for Vlad…

I dont know how legit this news bit is. Russians and Ukrainians have same names, they are the same ethnicity. How will it look to Russian public when they see on their screens foreigners perpetrate carnage against people who look like them.


I think China is watching this very carefully. If Russia does not pay a serious price for this invasion China will view it as a green light for invading Taiwan.


When oil hit 100 dollars a barrel war starts its at what now 110


And north Korea will seek to join with the south possibly , but we have to watch China South China Sea incursion and wanting to control the area also. China has a stronger geopolitical presence than Russia with those shitty loans they are giving out in Africa and the infrastructure they go in and build


It would be a good thing to study WWII and the acts of Germany. I suspect one would find a great deal of similarities compared to Russia/Putin.


My Third Grandchild will be arriving really soon…
The Kids are heading to the Hospital tonight…
Heaven help All Our Children…
It’s a shame the state of affairs this whole world is in…
God Bless Folks…


I disagree, starting with Germans simply facing famine in 1930s, prompting their homicidal leadership to look to capture some “leaving space” at the expense of East European nations. This issue had become moot after the 1950s Agrarian revolution. Also, Hitler didnt anticipate to reach 10000 degrees 30 minutes after ordering bombing of London. A lot changed since.
My guess, Vlad wants enough buffer between himself and NATO rocketry, so he could react to it. Unfortunately, this doesnt bode well for the Baltic countries, Poland, Finland, the Balkans.
Not sure what the solution for peace is.

Ummm, how would you like Nuclear War?

As a solution for peace? Nah.

I had a thought. Maybe Vlad doesn’t give a hoot about Ukraine, and his strategic goal is in the US, not Ukraine. His war planners see instability here, and he is trying to pull the US into some quagmire, much like Reagan had done to USSR in the 1980s.


For the last 50 years we have been ignoring the south of our continent . We did our banana republic thing destabilized many regions to our detriment. Most if not all of the afghan war was over mineral rights. Look how much they have. Vlad flexing was because he could , NATO is in flux geopolitically Russia and it’s closest ally China have been gaming the system with lite incursions and weak attempts at border infringement it goes by the way side. Because it’s not news worthy. We should’ve been expanding our foot hold in South America so that all attempts at “ coming for us “ would include all the American continents but alas no we didn’t so some other nations have a foot hold there. Largest bauxite deposit South America
Mineral resources , timber , agriculture even alcohol based fuel all South America but we want to look toward Europe when behind our back nations that hate us get more firm footholds


True! And the thing is, the foothold is not necessarily a military base, or mineral rights, or access to politicians. The images America projects lost their attraction. Democracy, personal freedom, pffft, who would believe it, the American way of life, as shown in commercials as of late - “no, thank you” is the kindest emotion these images stir in cultures around the world.


We are the experiment , every time we fumble be it race relations or some other polarizing event. We are in deed hobbled. They think we have gun violence every single day and there are shoot outs on every corner some Americans go abroad and literally complain how messed up it is here. I just wished our capitalism would not get in the way of human life ( hospitals should be free. Everyone cries how we gonna pay for it , with the trillions we are not spending to fight wars. We spent an obscene amount on the space program. No one asked how are we paying for it while less and less was spent on aging bridges. At one point in America children used to be the commodity and educating them but the powers that be decided let’s make them fragile( can’t call me black ! Can’t mention thing that will make people feel bad)fractured ( no kindred with one another )and reactionary ( if you vote ( Trump ,Biden or libertarian) your an idiot and there is no common ground! I only hope the next generation is more mixed I’m 13 % English and Irish mostly Nigerian and subsaharan with some thuy and Malaysian and Native American I am a product of this country I love my country hate it’s past like when I can see where we truly aren’t so separated as Americans


If we used military to help, I believe our defense system would be greatly tested. However, I think Putin’s military would resist.

You need to read what really happened to the 81 people on that island and where they were dropped off. Because much like the “Ghost Of Ukraine” that was a myth.

Would you really go to war to protect a money laundering operation?

I am asking everyone here to think for a moment.

Know any stand up comedians that went into politics that made over a Billion Dollars, own a mansion in Florida, has a few million in Jewelry and did it on a poltician’s Salary?

I’ll wait. Because if you and all the other morons that think they want to fight for a country they can’t find on a map, you better figure out who you are fighting for. Because you aren’t fighting for the people of Ukraine. You are fighting for a corrupt regime that funnels money to the DNC here in the US.


Did I call to get involved in a war between two cleptocracies, one packing enough nukes to blow up the world? Absolutely not.

It is a pity the “13 border guards” story turned out to be a myth. Unlike a story about US Navy sailors who threw their arms up as soon as Iranians decided to take them prisoner. That story is true. I wonder what would Admiral Nimitz do if it happened under his command?