How realistic do you think the survival rate would be IF there was a 2nd civil war?

Doesn’t specifically say you have a right to buy arms… I’m just playing your stupid game here…I feel like I have to tell you I’m joking because you don’t get it…lol

And yes…you could call me sensitive if you wish…I wont flag you because I’m not…imo…

And no…I don’t think you should be ruined for believing that marriage is between a man and a woman…I just want you to admit that you are imposing that belief on others…and thus…limiting their freedom and their pursuit of happiness …

I’ll leave it at that unless you change that to something else in which case that is not that anymore and the new that must be addressed

I’m not sure how much of an advantage youth would be. All the older conservative people would have to do is set up some “bait” video lounges, lure the youngsters in, and there goes your youth advantage.

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I just scrolled up and realized I skipped a whole bunch of debate to get here. My comment is way off topic by now.

I think the entire thread was off topic in the first place. Talking about war and advantages based more on a political viewpoint.

Or, once it branched into a ‘game’, it left the thread and topic far behind.

You may very well be correct, that youth would not be an advantage. Far too many of the youth have never really dealt with life without electricity, central air, air conditioned cars, cell phones, ATM machines, and the modern conveniences of life.

Note: I apologize, as I assisted in the veering off course.

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Every law that is passed is one group imposing beliefs on others. The Declaration of Independence was also such an attempt. There is nothing wrong with one group of Americans passing laws that another group doesn’t like. That’s why laws are debated and voted on, sometimes vetoed.


Agreed. I was just pulling people that tend not to admit that into a spot where they had to.

Intel Alert: When you see the crazy hair color section sold out in CVS, you know the anarchists are amassing their troops in your area.


It was more or less a set up from the beginning. The OP tossed a lit match into the room and waited for the flames to start. Notice there was only one post by the OP? Then the game playing took over by those that have never seen war or had to shoot in anger at anyone pontificated on a sterilized Special Ops video game. Everything a game player wants in a video game forgetting the real issues of death. In my opinion there was very little consideration for what a civil war would be. It would be killing each other. And once the shooting starts the board game strategists might as well head for the basement because it all changes. Read up on the Civil war in Rwanda. In some civil wars there are no civilians.

I know, it sounds like a rant. But unless someone has sat next to a friend only to see them hit by something that made them look like a bug on your windshield in am suspect of their idea of what a civil war would look like.


…and all of that in just four days,


A purposely funny, yet sardonic response… I’m gonna put my money on my fellow gays. Physical fitness has A LOT to do with the outcome of survival and well, we’re pretty obsessed with our bodies. Yeah, mostly for looking hot, but all that lean muscle and strength training is still happening even if the motivation is a bit shallow. A lot of us are careful with our diets (see above dedication to hotness), so we often go hungry every day. We’re use to that, it does NOT slow us down in the least. My gay brothers are constantly learning new skills to do everything themselves and do it perfectly and my lesbian sisters? Good lord, Lowes and Home Depot is where they grow free-range lesbians. We are always in the midst of building a canoe or some other huge crafty endeavor in our living rooms. Many of us are armed, many are former military. We are very capable survivors. Most of us have been through the ringer, to hell and back, so we’re tough. If the sh** hits the fan, I want to hunker down with my fellow gays. :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

Well, to be fair, our distractions came out of nowhere…It was lighthearted fun when we were on topic. I tend to attract a Biden comment no matter what thread Im in… I could make a “Share Your Muffin Recipe” thread and somebody would come in with a “Biden eats sugar free lemon muffins and worships the devil” comment…lol…

So, in short, it’s my fault for participating…

Nothing worse than getting your ass kicked by somebody rocking a pink shirt and a blue mohawk…lol

This topic has been closed due to going off-topic and devolving into personal attacks. The derogatory comments have also been removed.