Maybe I already posted in this thread, and maybe I’m oversimplifying, but I keep seeing the title of the thread in my new post list, and just felt compelled to pop it open and answer.
You always remember to bring your firearm by always having your firearm on you. All the time. Simple as that. POGO (Pants On Gun On).
My gun is like a part of my person. I do my level best to avoid any place where I can’t have it, and on the extremely rare occasion that I must remove it, I feel vulnerable and not fully dressed. For example, I use the local “goin’ postal” shipping store instead of the post office. Every two years I go vote, and then I do go unarmed, and I sometimes have to go in restricted government buildings for work, but otherwise, if I’m dressed, I’m armed. This goes with the “do you carry at home” thread.
Fully agree, me, too. I am not sure how to forget my handgun. As many stated, it becomes part of the routine, and it is always with me, either as it is now on my desk; on my night table, or on my person. Kind of like my knives, I have never forgotten them, either, they are always with me, though, like my firearm, sometimes they can’t go where I go, such as on an airplane. When I don’t have them due to it not being “allowed”, it feels odd.
Ain’t that the truth? The times I don’t have my EDC and spare magazines on my belt, I don’t feel complete. Also in those times, I become hyper vigilant. I don’t have that extra defensive tool to utilize if things do go wrong, so I am watching everyone, looking for escape routes, cover or concealment.
Someone here gave me the idea, of that box or bowel we sometimes use for our keys, or EDC items before we walk out the door.
If we cannot add our firearm in that box/bowel, if it’s stored elsewhere for safety - maybe create a card, with your own short simple phrase on it, eg “Is it on you?”. Keeping that card in your EDC go kit box/bowel.
In lieu of such a card, I sometimes have my “empty holster” there (conspicuous can’t miss spot), as a reminder.
I have two quick access saves for pistols in the bedroom. One always has a pistol in it (other can access if I’m not there IE my carry gun is gone), the other has my carry gun staged when I’m not carrying it.
I put daily items, such as wallet/light/knife/even keys, on top of that quick safe. That way to get any of the things, they are all there in the same place (but also not in the way because the other quick safe next to it gets nothing put on top)
There are some good videos on YT showing how to replace fuel pumps. You can get the pump for around $250, at least for my Ford Ranger, 6 bolts to remove the bed, 3 for the tank goose neck, rent the spanner wrench to take the access lid off and you’re basically done. Just change over the power connection and put everything back in reverse order.
As a man, I use a belt holster and the holster stays on my pants.
Twice I did forget it as I was dressing up to go to synagogue. The altered sequence with my tie, tack, getting the bag that holds my kippah and tallit (prayer shawl) threw me and I left the house with an empty holster.
As a kid I would have dreams of going out places without any pants on. Now it’s a nightmare to go out in real life without being strapped. Returned from Lowe’s with a load of wood. The trusty TP9 on my hip. Wasn’t too crowded either but still had eyes on everybody around.