I received an Email yesterday from the USCCA informing me of upgrades to the USCCA insurance policy.
Upgrades include: the Expunging and sealing of records.
Plea Deal coverage.
Removal of previous coverage exclusions.
No effective recovery or recoupment of expenses.
Criminal act exclusion.
Loss of earnings coverage.
“Red Flag” Law coverages.
Up to $250,000.00 Available for bail bond expenses.
Impartial Coverage Determination.
Personally, I like what the USCCA did in negotiating these added benefits to our insurance policy. I think they were a direct result of debates that were had in regard to some of the upgrades that were addressed as well as some members leaving because of those debates. USCCA has the leverage with having so many members and took member concerns to heart and made what I feel are some quality upgrades/improvements for their members. Please feel free to let it be known how you feel and share any insights that you may have.
While some here think the USCCA will work hard to get out of covering members during time of crisis (mostly trolls that work for the slimy competition), I KNOW the USCCA is constantly working to find new expanded ways to help and they do listen to the members.
For Tim this is his life’s work/calling. Very few people get to do what their heart tells them is their true path as successfully as he has.
I love it. I still wish that they’d just enter members in the free gun giveaway every time.
While I do not work for the “slimy competition” I have voiced my concerns in the past in regard to “insurance companies” being able to drop coverage when they deem it to be appropriate. Not the USCCA and or Delta defense. I feel like those debates between myself and some members here including Nathan57 paid off in the form of some of these upgrades and it looks like some of my concerns were validated by the new upgrades. Specifically, the criminal act exclusion was addressed. I’m happy with the upgrades as I have been with my coverage since I joined over a year ago. I hope these upgrades benefit many USCCA members in the long run.
I said mostly.
Big thanks to Tim Schmidt for coming through with great upgrades to the USCCA Insurance Policy!!
I appreciate the changes, I’m still praying I never need it.
Well said.
agree would greatly prefer to never need them!!!
The expungment, loss of earnings, bail bonds coverage are good things, as these are weaponized against firearms owners. Set a high bail so you can’t work and face economic hardship forces you to consider pleading guilty to something you didn’t do to “get it over with”. Negotiating a guilty plea on lesser charges, but severe enough to prevent firearm ownership is another tactic used, then they jack up the fees for expungment to make it econimically punitive enough to force you to “live with it”. The red flag coverage will be excellent, as communist regimes like California are reaching into other states to try to seize firearms from citizens who have never been there, all on the strength of offended weebs on social media.
Yeah, it is like my tourniquet and sucking chest wound seals. Have em, hope I have to throw them away when they are a pile of dust in my first aid bag. Like my road rash ointment when I was a long distance bike rider. Finally threw it away when it got hard to squeeze whatever was in the tube out. Happy to do so and buy a new tube. Better to buy a replacement tube because the old tube was past it useful life than because I had used it all up on road rash. I really hope I never find out how good the coverage is.
We are all members. I hope we never have to make that phone call to the critical response team.
Whoa. I never got that!