Too big to rig!!!
Indeed it was.
That was a beautiful night!
We the people have spoken !!
About time
(really BIG SIGH)
sadly it is time to express corrective measures!!!
the CORRECT phrase is…
You can only cry wolf so long before the wolf eats you!
The Country FINALLY gave a collective “Fukyoo!” to the authoritarian, repressionist regime!
Looks like Obama’s Forth term regime to be, has been “TERMINATED”. “YOU’RE FIRED”!!!
I think the cheat was still on. But the cheaters were being watched too closely to pull it off. The republicans were ready this time and fought to keep it fair.
Not sure the cheat isn’t still on in certain places. Why, for example, is Arizona still counting, while states 3-4-5 times its size are done. One has to question what’s going on. This happened 4 yrs. ago, and they’ve that 4 yrs. to get it right. Go figure.
Part of the vote tally delay is caused by the fact that some counties in Az are bigger than a few east coast states.
Up until 2016 it wasn’t a problem… The states haven’t gotten larger…please explain.
Their internet has gotten significantly worse since those years. The fact of that significance can’t be overlooked significantly enough. As we all know fiber optic cable is significantly more fragile than copper. Even a grain of sand is significant enough to make the fiber optic cable significantly weaker.
We don’t have that problem in the middle class neighborhood where I grew up.
Yes! Time to get the thought police out of the alphabet cesspool main stream media from attempting their massive mind control deceptions and brainwashing propaganda from the Tyranical Regime in office.
What a tsunami of
bullshit, especially from their Propaganda Chief at her press “briefings” that she stormed out of rather than give a truthful answer.