Hollywood on fire

Somebody speaking the truth



Judging from this statement there is no reasonable expectation of accountability, or responsibility for any culpability for any mismanagement of these wildfires not found at trial and processed as a result of law suits vs. any administrative actions taken by any of the jurisdictions involved.

They are all on (CYA) Cover Your Ass mode.

Because they know it’s their policies that failed their constituents.

And, that they have no viable excuses for their failures.


:roll_eyes: He’s supposed to be out investigating why fire hydrants had no water! What a liar! :nerd_face:


Personally. The saddest and most gut wrenching thing about the Hollywood fires is that nothing will change. Yes. There will be anger and finger pointing. The state might even be sued for negligence. But the mayor will remain and Gavin Newsom will continue to destroy the state with his green policies. Californians are brainwashed to the point of no return. It started in the sixties with the Hippies and it continues to this day with the LGBTQ+ generation. It will only end when the entire state is burnt to the ground and/or completely flooded in the name of climate change. Jim Morrison was right. Whatever happens they’ll only have themselves to blame.


‘Witnesses’ are claiming that it was two different homeless guys that are in the country illegally that started these fires.
Nice misdirection Newsom


Former world heavyweight champion :boxing_glove: Larry Holmes once said about Don King,
“He keeps his hair that way to hide his devil’s horn.”

I could say the same about Newsom’s greasy hair.


True. Also, there’s the fact that New-scum and Co. are funding a 50 million $$$ Lawfare fund to "Trump proof. " California to prevent Trumps agenda from coming to fruition.

To all you Californians who have lost everything, a question: 1) Can you think of a better way to use $50 Million than to fight the current city-wide catastrophe? Or 2)) Would you be content to sit back and condone the proposed “Lawfare Slush Fund”?

IF: 1) Think long and hard about making you’re voices heard and voting for the current “leadership” pinheads again. (Prima facie evidence of mental deficiency or disease.)
OR: 2) Sit back, relax and continue doing what you’ve been doing for the last uncounted generations.

The 3rd option is open-CONDITIONALLY: Un-ass California. BUT… if you use this option, leave the simple-minded politics you have utilized up to the present time that are the direct cause of the situation you are currently in inside the borders of the state you now occupy. NO OTHER STATE is interested in welcoming your crappy politics into there borders except Washington, Oregon, Illinois, D.C., NY, and Massachusetts-MAYBE!!!

New-scum already has a plan to rebuild. A land grab by seizing properties via tax forfeiture when the current owners go delinquent by not paying their tax bills when they come due. Then offering those properties to developers for cents on the dollar at tax auctions. Cha-CHING!!!

To quote the movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”: CHOOSE WISELY


It has come out that there were budget cuts from resourcing life safety measures, programs, like repairing, and maintenance of firefighting apparatus (trucks and engines) and the staff to do that was fired; while DEI was liberally funded.

DEI does nothing for the life safety mission of any first responder life saving, and protection mission.

Getting back to basics: Preventing, suppressing, and extinguishing fires.

Thin the underbrush, harvesting excess timber that feeds the fuel cell feeding the fire(s).

Having a ready, usable supply of sufficient water, full not, empt reservoirs, to supply water mains that supply fire hydrants, usable maintained fire apparatus that is functional that can deliver water onto fires.

The manning, or staffing that gets that fire apparatus to the fires, and functioning to deliver that water to suppress, and extinguish the fires.

None of that happens without funding, and focus on training, preparation, and maintenance focused to deliver that service and everything else that goes with that.

DEI brings nothing to that mission, providing no value to supporting that life safety mission.

Yet DEI was funded and prioritized above the basics needed to provide the basic mission of the firefighting services to address life safety issues.

But, that is being blamed on climate change due to racism.

There has always been adverse weather, high winds, and lightning to spark wildfires in California, before humans populated that area, and added there behaviors to that equation. Before the Industrial Revolution.

Now add human activity to that list.

Especially the stupidity of humanity in particular the Lunatic Left variety that sets up these disasters by undercutting the life safety programs that are designed to mitigate them.

The Darwin Award goes to all of them in decision making positions that sabotaged, and hamstrung the firefighting services from being able to do their jobs effectively having an over fueled fire source with no water to put on it and all the other stuff that diminishes their ability to accomplish their mission.

Clean up the wilderness, supply the water, fund the fire services to be able to provide their mission without political distractions that diminish that mission ability. And, set the stage for disasters.

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Here is a nifty idea to be built in to LA if it gets rebuilt.

Its work depends on an adequate water supply.

The decision making leaders will still need to provide that adequate water supply to make this work.

strong texthttps://www.spoon-tamago.com/the-fire-sprinklers-of-kayabuki-no-sato-in-kyoto/


Iran Offers To Send Firefighters To Combat LA Wildfires


Sure why not?
(we’re DOOMED!)
I hear Syria and the Houthis want to help also?


From the article “investigators have begun working to determine the cause of the deadly flames.”

I wonder how long it will take? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Still waiting for Ukraine :ukraine:


Dammit, I missed that obvious one… I should get my Head examined :upside_down_face: too soon?


Californians NEVER LEARN! NEVER!

California Democrats approve $50M to fight Trump policies

Let it Burn! See ya San Diego !


What are they going to contribute to that Holocaust?

Add a nuclear warhead, or some radioactive :radioactive: material to the mix, and finish destroying LA, more completely, and faster than the Lunitic Left is doing?


Funny (Not Ha Ha) that you ask that?
What better way to gain Access to 'Merica than be INVITED IN?
It would be RUDE to ask to see the contents of their …um… ‘Equipment’ 'ey?
Set off a few ‘dirty bombs’ :bomb: :boom:
Cripple us physiologically!
Make us turn against Trump
BUT NO WORRIES, It’ll NEVER happen we’d blow their Rescue Planes out of the Sky.
.gov may be STOOPID in Cali----Trump ain’t

RUH ROE! Somebody Some where made Someone very Mad!
In a post on Truth Social on Tuesday, the president-elect lashed out at the governor, saying, “RELEASE THE WATER, NEWSOM. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? DJT.”


I’ve reconsidered my donations!
I will be sending ALL my Trump/Vance ‘24 clothing, all my FJB\ Lets Go Brandon t-shirts and every single MAGA hat I can find, save one for historical purposes!


Stupid is as stupid does!

Mr. Spoke of Star Trek is doing facepalms saying: “That’s not logical!”

If they were any dumber they would forget to breathe.

Any duly elected government officials should hold their constituents, especially their safety and well being as their top priority.

But, all these self-serving, self righteous, sanctimonious politicians can do is grandstand their hypocrisy, and ridiculous agendas.

Grinning foolishly before the cameras.

Parading their pathetic narcissistic self aggrandized foolishness of prioritizing the unimportant, while ignoring the importance of peoples’ lives, and life’s work that they fully invested in, and lost.

It’s a very rude life lesson to learn that your elected officials have so little respect, or regard for you after electing them.


Our current administration and leadership reminds me of why there was a French Revolution. It’s also a reminder of why the War of Independence happened. An elite class is set up without any consequences for their actions. Only after decades if not 100s of years does anything happen. It takes a “let them eat cake” moment for the huddled masses to wake up.

Even with DJT being elected I feel as something is coming. It has only been put off for a little while. The USSR hasnt fallen truly. It has only morphed into a different beast. Same with our current “elite class” of ruling despots. They’re still taking driving peasants into poorer and poorer neighborhoods, dividing the people by race, color, ethnic background. I said back in the 80s, I want 100 acres with a fence around it and nobody within ten miles. I still feel that way.