Apropos. The Stanley Cup winning Panthers presented Pres. with a big (hockey) stick.
The carrot was also a stick.
2 is 1, 1 is none.
Trojan carrot…
You realize if I.C.E. was smart, Sun Tzu, smart. They would cordon off the areas, smoke’em, shackle them and deport’em all in on single day. Who cares how many cargo planes it will take? One day, game over!
Oh, c’mon if it was a PTA protesting boys in girls bathroom, the sweep would be so sudden, we wouldn’t know what hit us!
Nothing would surprise me more tomorrow Bruh!
We have El Salvador ready to ACCEPT our Criminals (for a fee of course)
Readying ‘GITMO’ for 30,000! Bodies of ALL FLAVORS!
Homan said 10,000! 101st Screaming Eagles and 10th Mountain may head to the Border
I saw footage of the 10,000 Mexican Military boarding planes to come to the Border!
Any ‘False Flag’ from the Democrats is being shouted down
What’d the ‘BORG’ always say? ‘RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!’
Let the pansy MF’ers start something—WE WILL FINISH IT! 'MERICA FOUND IT’S BALLS!
Pam Bondi is now Attorney General! Let the bloodletting begin!
k. That was a good one. Don’t agree with what you post most days, but this one…
Maybe it’s just me, but this better be on pay-per-view, live, 24/7 .
At the very least The Emergency Broadcast System!
Hopefully, when you say readying, you mean sharpening the razor wire and starving the dogs!
I am so ready for some Ramsey Bolton sh1t…I shall call them “Reek”!
Do they wear funny shirts…or have a secret handshake or something, so that we can easily identify them?
I have a friend who doesn’t want to be around any Republicans. Seems stupid to me.
Oh brother…the same churches who’ve murdered hundreds of thousands? Harbor criminals even today? Rape little boys? Nice places… I don’t think that you want that in your friend’s brochure. lol
Yup that is the one… God knows I don’t go there… “God knows” I crack myself up
I am all for secure borders and properly vetting those immigrants that we do choose to allow into this country through legal means. But I strongly suspect that the “good majority” of the people crossing the border are those in search of a better life. If 90% or even just 10% of those crossing the border were all members of violent criminal gangs we would be having way more issues right now. The estimate of the number of full and part time cartel members in Mexico is well under 200K. Even if all of them crossed the border at once it would be a very small percentage of the masses invited in by the Biden administration.
Painting large groups of people with broad brushes into the boxes at the extremes is how the us vs them crowds divide and concur. Those manipulators with their own selfish agendas are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams at the moment.
Perhaps so. However, any foreign national who enters the US without being approved through the proper established channels has, by definition, committed a crime and are therefore criminals. It doesn’t matter why they came here. When their very first act while entering a new ‘home’ is to violate the laws of that home, well, it doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in what their future behavior will be.
Agree. But there is a huge difference between procedural criminals and violent criminals. I don’t think it is fair to lump both groups together. What is the estimate of the number of laws the average U.S. Citizen breaks every day? Does that make us all the same as violent criminals?
In many cases I suspect the vast majority of these immigrants were being told they would be welcomed here with open arms. Both by the people they payed to get them to and across the border and by the previous administration. They were being taken advantage of for profit and political purposes while I suspect most just wanted a better life for themselves and their children. In many ways they are victims of this whole cluster …… process as the rest of us are.
Key, and MOST Important word there is “Citizen”!
Ding Ding Ding Ding!
Some come KNOWINGLYfor the Pudding regimes FREE Bennie’s !!! Strike Two! for These folk’s KNEW they were going to be Housed, FED, Clothed , Loaded Debit cards and didn’t have to lift a finger to acclimate into American culture.
Third STRIKE is some of these wonderful people BECAME CRIM’S outright because they saw ‘Revolving door Justice’, Failure to Prosecute, and easy pickings of Innocent people in Blu cities who invited them into their 'Sanctuary Cities and regret that decision to their peril.
(And these dumbaxxes are still defending these folk’s and calling them their citizens when they are out pillaging and molesting them---- sh!t stupid).
Where are OUR Debit cards having to put up with this sh!t for (4) Bloody years!
What is Trump going to do with these RABID Democrat DOGS that continue to Fight the system and OBSTRUCT the cleansing of .gov waste, fraud and abuse.
(Hint Hint: They are fighting hard now because they know they will be exposed. When even dumbaxx AOC is a MILLIONAIRE! the wokest of folk’s should be asking ‘Howz dat possible?’
Shamrock, we’ve disagreed on certain issues but…
That is prolly the dumbest thing you’ve ever written
coupled with the ridiculous fact of comparing US to these criminals. Is just INSULTING.
When someone is spewing obvious BS out of their mouths while nodding vigorously, my sense of disbelief is heightened in the extreme. Watch the wise words laid upon us by the recent great orator Kamala Harris if you desire graphic examples of what I say.
Well yes they are easy to spot… Did you not get the latest memo from Trump… They have face tattoos and look Mexican …