Didn’t see this on the front page of MSN? CNN? Nope they don’t want to talk about it. SO When you step into the proverbial Voting Booth, remember, after they Biden/Harris Administration did this right in front of our very eye’s, they starred at the cameras and lied to your face about it.
“During his decades-long tenure as a Delaware US senator, eight years as Vice President of the United States and nearly four years as president, Mr Biden has demonstrated distrust of America’s military experts and advisors and has prioritized politics and his personal legacy over America’s national security interests,” the 350-page report revealed.
The involvement of Kamala Harris or any kind of blame has not been mentioned in the report.
The glaring thing to me is not that Pudding LIED and Phucked the Military in the Axx!
(again and again) This time sacrificing (13+) Soldiers and Hundreds of Afgans Loyal to us. The Bold printed line above tells me all I need to know about Knee-Pads involvement as a VP- she does NOTHING!, She KNOWS NOTHING!, She is an EMPTY SUIT!, She has NO idea about Foreign policy (or Domestic Policies for that matter)
She rides on the coat tails of Others in office, She has helped in the destruction of San Francisco (where she was a DA) She backed the Legal Aid for BLM protestor’s and she has consistently FOLDED on all her Political stands and policies she stated when the slightest bit of resistance and push back reared their heads.
How the phuck is she going to be any different as President ?
Somebody (The Elite’s: Obama, the Clinton’s, the Soros’ will run her like they did that Moron from Delaware!.)
HER SILENCE? YES! HER SILENCE is as telling as when she ran for President and before the first vote was cast she Folded like a cheap suit! Zero Delegates! SHE BAILED! like she will BAIL on all of US! She isn’t a bad politician, she is a bad Human being with Evil Intent in her heart for all American’s!.
(Too harsh?) TRUTH!
I am a Christian and this is the only person I trust 100% when it comes to security issues. He runs the site Christian Warrior Training, and his commentary is researched and no BS and he has massive LE experience to back it up. This video should shake every person on this site to the core, no matter your thoughts on politics, religion, cultural issues, etc…: https://youtu.be/4ceC8Mhroks?feature=shared
Maybe it was her coke, not hunters.
Yep. Just like Trump lied to the cameras when he said he wouldn’t bomb Syria and would drain the Swamp and build a wall.
All lies. And then some more lies.
Suffice to say, politicians are liars. It is their habit.
You mean a cheap knife, don’t you?
I don’t blame Trump for bombing Syria. They deserved it. Why would you telegraph plans to an enemy?
He did build hundreds of miles of wall.
When you are up to your ass in alligators, draining the swamp would be difficult for anyone, but he got it started. Mainly, he brought the level of corruption in the swamp (And the media) to the fore front of people’s minds. Until Trump, it was corruption under the cover of the media. NOW the corruption has been laid bare for everyone to see. You can’t begin to overcome a problem until it is recognized and acknowledged.
Lastly, I don’t consider Trump a politician. He helped build America. He’s a businessman and a patriot who has been thrust into duty out of a sense of gratitude to the Country that has provided him with every opportunity to become wealthy/successful beyond anyone’s dreams.
Trump, the orange-haired fat Jesus, surely filled the Swamp. He brought in Barr, Wray, Bolton, an assorted number of old swamp creatures and Neocon nutcases from way back.
Hundreds of miles of wall were built, tons of cash spent… all for nothing. Trtump may as well have built nothing. Complete fail.
He rid us of the Individual Mandate. Very cool.
He exposed the MSM for what they really are… and yet people still listen to Faux Newz, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CNN. Sleepyheaded American dummies still listening to them in droves and the false narratives, propaganda, lies.
Funny how they gave up on Assad. He beat them all. Now, they’re trying to kiss his arse.
I once had this dream around 2008… I looked out my window and out into the street as tons of people were walking toward the horizon mesmerized and looking up at something in the sky. Intrigued, I went outside and into the street among the zombified dolts and looked up at the sky to see what they were all hypnotized about. There on the horizon was this huge hologram of Jesus, speaking to the zombies, telling them to come to him, to do as he says and all will be well!
I watched the thing for a minute and laughed, then turned to the zombies and said, ‘Hey, dumbasses. It’s a hologram. It’s not real. That isn’t Jesus. That’s fake. Don’t fall for it. Don’t watch it and it will go away. Go back home and get on with your lives.’ No one listened of course. I just went back into the house, then I woke up.
That is in fact our world today. The Left has their Kamel Hairz Jesus and the Right has their Drumpf Jesus.
Hey kids, it’s all fake, They don’t love you and they don’t love your family and they don’t love America. They are not your friends.
We’re done.
You’ll see.
I’ll bet you’re a blast at parties!
I don’t go to parties. I don’t care for social scenes and small talk. Boring. Waste of time. I hate alcohol and the nonsense that occasions it and don’t want any drunks around me. I’m at home or on the prairie in solitude, carrying firearms, driving my bikes, stealth camping, hunting, gathering herbs, keeping one eye on the news, learning, building, dreaming, having a good time.
Years ago, I started survivalism because I thought I would need such skills one day. I’ve been dog-sledding up north, US and Canada; expedition in the Amazon; camping and trekking all over Asia; hunting, fishing, practicing martial science.
As it turned out, I just like doing it. It’s just fun!
Virtue Signal Much?
That’s not where I was going with my post, but now that you mention it, yeah, I do the self-discipline thing on a regular basis. I’ve found, in less virtuous times in my life, I don’t get far without it.
GASP! Politicians lie! NO WAY!
We have enough to deal with these days without Dissention in our ranks.
I’m just sayin’ let’s try to get along, we have a real (not imagined) Fight coming.
No need insulting a Patriot who when in office did more for us and this country
than the last bunch of self serving evil bestards combined.
You don’t like DJT fine—a lot of us do. Keep it civil and we will win this thing.
You don’t wish to that’s fine also run for friggin’ office and do better.
Put your money where your mouth is.
My honest opinion. Trump is going to bring Elon Musk in to do to the Federal Government what he did at Twitter. Downsize the bureaucracy, and streamline operations. Consolidate Departments and Agencies for efficiency. Something that has needed to be done for years. That’s my read on it.
Tulsi as either Secretary of State, or Secretary of Defense
Kennedy at whichever Tulsi doesn’t take on.
Musk as a plenipotentiary ambassador or some other title but who’s remit is effectively far more to streamline efficiency.
Vivek over the dismantling of the Department of Education and resulting rebuild.
My biggest hope if Trump wins he guts the DOJ, Homeland, FBI, ATF, IRS and rebuild them. Maybe even putting DOJ under the Supreme Court with the remit of the law is the law whomever you are.
Making Justice blind, no favoritism. Im so f*coming sick of watching Congress issue contempt of Congress citations for all of the lies this Administrations people have done. Want to see what real corruption looks like? Search Senator Holloway’s interrogations of people testimonies in his committees it’s sickening,and Mayorkas basically tells them to f#@$ off, because he can. Head of the DOJ should not be able to decide on whether someone is prosecuted. The law is the law and infinitum.
From what I have been reading, the socialists have really ramped up their cheating program to retain power. Anyone who has been paying attention knows Trump would win in a landslide in a fair election, but we’re not going to see that.
We got this: Here is a link the helps put that all in perspective:
FOX News swamped the swamp of the alphabet cesspool mass media networks election night, with better ratings than several of their biased reporting entities combined.
Also, reveals two top puppet masters of the deep state: Obama and Pelosi.
Both of them should be barred from meddling in political politics.
Especially Obama who is not elected to any office now but, was a frequent visitor at the Biden White House.
He had Biden’s ear and was filling it. Like going against military advice and withdrawing from Afghanistan. And, pulling the plug on his campaign in favor of Harris, etc.
Trump won handily because he had the best chance of changing all that, and he will.
And, We the People had it with the sock puppet administration of the Deep State.
These MSM channels dedicated thousands of hours to the discredited Russia hoax, giving their viewers hope that Trump may somehow be arrested and imprisoned for colluding with Vlaidmir Putin in a bid to win the 2016 presidential election. They hid the Hunter Biden laptop story and called it “mis-information”, swaying untold legions of voters.
May they go the way of the Dodo.
I listen to and read from MSNBC & CNN. The entire election cycle they were saying “Looks like Joe is in the driver seat” “Another Poll from Flim Flam Research and Massage Parlor has Harris up by 4 points” " The Democrat message seems to be what the battle ground states want to hear" “Danger to Democracy” and the obligatory “Felon, Classified Documents, Racist, Misogynist, Mean Rude Orange man and Stupid Dangerous MAGA Supporters” stuff.
So now, like we already knew, their opinions have been proven wrong, their pollsters have been proven wrong.
If their is any good in any of this it seems to indicate that these Left Wing Zealot media outlets don’t have the effect on the American public opinion they thought they had,
Tolerance level: +1,000,000,000.