Gunfighting, some Uncomfortable Truths (Uncle Freedom)

He has some good information. I like this subject!

Training is the most important thing you can do to prepare yourself for a situation you never want to be in.

The most uncomfortable truth is that the ‘bad guy’ is going to be much more experienced and comfortable with being the bad guy, than you are at defending yourself.

Best way to survive a gunfight is to avoid getting in one.


I learned how to be comfortable with saving my own life by learning to skydive. Defending yourself meant you took care of your equipment, packed you own parachute, and properly flew it and landed. There was never any better feeling knowing that you could easily die unless you took the time and effort to do it correctly every time. To me, self-defense, should it ever be needed will be the same feeling.


At one point in my life I would tell people I was a traveler.

I am a tourist now.

A tourist, when he plans his trip, always has home as his final destination. He has work the next day. He has bills to attend to. He has his family to support.

A traveler may never get home.

I struggle with the uncomfortable truths described in the video because I am a tourist now instead of a traveler due to the fact I am a veteran. Veterans tend to go towards all the noise and confusion everyone else is running from. We are wired differently.

My Loving Wife struggles with my struggles trying to keep me out of harm’s way, but she supports me as I go forward into battle, so to speak. There have also been times when she blocked my path, keeping me out of the battle in front of me, and them SHE jumped into the fray. She does this because she knows, during those particular situations, if I get into the fray, SOMEBODY is going to die. Plain and simple.

It’s like Don102 always points out, I am not bloodthirsty, I am violent. There is a difference.


My wife and my life in a nutshell.


There are those who’ve been to Battle
and there are those who haven’t
There are those who train-up
and there are those who don’t
Everyone has the right to defend themselves
Today, they are systematically breaking down Society
rules, Laws and Governing. They do this in every instance
so ‘THE People’ NEED .gov more (to protect them).
What is asinine is if the Politicians gave a rat about us at all
none of this would be an issue.
My biggest complaint is ‘How can anyone tell you you don’t
need a Police Force because society is getting less dangerous
when even the stupidest person can see everything is out of control.
On August 19th this year you may see the high cost in all this Progressive
Woke-Socialism in action (and Chicago may burn for it)
The sad facts are now this: The Police are not here to "Protect and Serve’ you anymore.
Why not? Because they’ve been stripped of most of their power (By the .gov)
The Police are NOT your friend
The .gov is not your friend
The people on the LEFT do not want Peace and Harmony.
They want Chaos and Anarchy so we the people look to .gov for safety.
We the People have always looked to ourselves to ‘Keep the Peace’.
Some of the best Lawmen in history learned ‘On the job’.
I say this time and time again so it sinks in folk’s.
There is NO Calvary on the horizon to swoop in to save your A** anymore.
The Lunatic Left has done their very best to make all it’s Citizens Scared and feeling alone.
They have used Color, Religion, Race, Gender to turn us against one another.
How can they claim a party of UNITY? I laugh when I hear sh** like that.
If this Election fails you will need every Gun, Every Bullet, Every ounce of training
just to stay alive and get you and yours through the ‘Transition’ stages of our country
coming apart (VIOLENTLY) and then the slow A** process of putting us all back together again.
What gets me is how the Left can call US Maga- Extremists, White Nationalists, Terrorists when they follow the same game book as Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin----Notice ONE THING about all those guy’s? THEY ALL FAILED to bring their distorted views and policies into play because Rational people stood up, laid down their lives and said FREEDOM FOR ALL, Not just the Elite’s who can afford it.
As a Sheepdog, Former Warrior I feel the call coming once again.
There is no sidelines anymore. We may be in the sh** once again
and once again I will answer the call. No one has ever done my fighting FOR ME.
I’m not about to start that trend now.
We will all have to decide to either get some skin in the game or sit this one out.

What is your choice? “Live on your feet? or on your knees?” Simple choice really.

Where We Go 1 We Go All
No step on snek


The Kingdom?


There is only three things you can do.

  1. Nothing
  2. Offense
  3. Defense
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Oh yeah baby, One of my go-to movies when I’m happy, sad, suicidal! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: