Gun Owners and Marijuana - Your thoughts?

I think the consensus here is that anything mind altering doesn’t mix with guns, so don’t carry if you are “recreating.” The larger question is a legal one. Since marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, apparently people with medical marijuana cards are being denied gun purchases:

Some states are trying to reconcile these contradictions, but my sense is the issues are not settled.


Definitely not settled. CBD oil is another factor too… it contains the non-mind-altering canibinoids only, reduces pain for some people but doesn’t alter perception or thinking.

And it shows up on drug tests like marijuana.

It’s legal OTC in some states but the feds came out recently and said that nevermind about the no-high part, it’s the same as pot and they mean to treat it under the same rules. :woman_facepalming:
Its idiotic, but I don’t think there’s any legal way around it at this point.

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Just like alcohol, marijuana and guns do not mix. Use of marijuana, and being issued a medical marijuana card can be used to disqualify a person through NICS.


I think the feds are slowly backing themselves in a corner here. As @Zee points out, CBD is complicated. Here, farmers have been stopped from using water from federal irrigation projects to grow (legal) marijuana, but now can use the same water for hemp thanks to the latest Ag bill. Fine lines indeed.


movement at the federal level for medical marijuana exemption for CC:

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I drink, but never away from home and never armed.

A loooooong time ago, marijuana was my recreational drug of choice. As long as it remains illegal at the federal level, I won’t consider it. I will make my mind up about consuming if/when the federal government legalizes it. Even then, I would only consume under the same rules for myself as that which I have established for alcohol.


I think “under the influence” is the rule… no firearms and being under the influence. That said, CBD oil (which is one of the medicinal options) has no mind-altering capacity and doesn’t affect your reflexes or perception, but does affect pain levels for a lot of folks, and I’d be ok with that.


@Zee I don’t know, I never tried the stuff even when I was in the Army, now as then I just don’t trust any government. I think it’s a very bad idea to smoke marijuana legally or illegally it’s something that the government will use or could use against an individual.


Looks like there’s now 2 marijuana threads circulating now.


One general thread and one Illinois thread… it’s ok.


@Zee Ok young lady, (old friend) got you!
Happy Happy Happy New Year
I may all of us in the community Have a safe incident free year 2020


It’s really strange for me. My real Mom was a drug addict, my real Dad was an alcoholic. Everyone on my side of the family smokes. I don’t do any of it. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, unless prescribed by my Dr.


@Zavier_D Well bless you Sir; I think I can talk for everyone here and say that everyone in our community is here to listen and there’s some Reverends also who are trained clergy to help if you are so inclined Zavier. I understand but I could not talk about that due to lack of experience. My parents if they were alive would be well into their 100’s and there was no drug or alcohol situation. Even though were predominantly Irish and supposed to be known for drinking nobody drank. They were mainly just typical people whose parents came to America through Ellis Island. Both grandfathers were dead before I was even born in 1949 because you know labor laws were not good in the early 1900’s and late 1800’s. But pretty much just cold people like a lot were back then.
But @Michael7 is a great guy and I he is a reverend in Missouri and I think @45IPAC is also a clergyman and both are wonderful Christian gentlemen. God bless you Zavier and your family. Safe New Year to you Sir.


The biggest problem with marijuana is that law enforcement cannot test to see if you are under the influence of it at any given time. The metabolite to THC stays in a normal persons system for ~30 days. Unlike alcohol which is generally processed by the body at 1 oz / hour and a definitive blood alcohol level can be obtained readily and fairly cheaply. Not so with marijuana, there is no current way to know if you smoked an hour ago or 3 weeks ago, so it is difficult to prove if you were under the influence at the time or previously. When somebody can come up with a test to find out if you are “under the influence” then I imagine marijuana will become just like alcohol.

The other issue with MEDICAL marijuana is that it is a prescription, which means you consume it on a “regular” or “habitual” basis. As anyone who has filled out a 4473 knows “Are you a habitual user of marijuana” and therefore denies you the right to purchase. Some argue if you can’t purchase, you can’t own and certainly not carry. Right, Wrong or Indifferent opinions don’t matter when it comes to the law and in general firearms laws are FEDERAL and big U.S. says marijuana is not legal.




My thoughts! Marijuana is a legal disaster at all levels of government. Personally, I believe there are valid medicinal uses for marijuana. With that being the case, I think to should be taken off of Schedule I of the state and federal controlled substance schedules and handled like most other medications. But that needs to happen at the federal level so health care providers and facilities can legally transact business. Once it is legal medically, it would make the purchase and possession of firearms legal. At that point marijuana use would be just like the use of every other medication with respect to using while under the influence.
I am dead set against the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. If the feds change it to a prescription medication, I think they then have to push the enforcement at the federal level. And that will start another revolution since the fed has sat idly by as states have “legalized” it at the state level.
I think it is absurd that states are making billions in taxes on marijuana in some states and dispensaries are selling billions more. And while a you can walk in to a dispensary in Colorado, a pound of marijuana can cost you 10 years in a federal penitentiary in Kentucky. The same federal laws apply but the enforcement is not being applied equally. I have often thought the feds could seize billions in state funds that have been made in their complicity in what is still illegal drug trade. It would be interesting to see what would happen if the DEA raided and shut down every marijuana dispensary even in just one large city. All hell would break loose.


@MikeBKY — I’m just curious, why are you dead set against legalization for recreational uses? Not challenging, just asking.


I’m a firm believer in the benefits of therapy. To be honest, without the benefit of the love of the woman, who later became my wife, and years of therapy with a therapist who saw through my BS. I would have been a wolf rather than a sheepdog. But those two women saved me from myself and my toxic background.

It’s one of the reasons I believe there are no magic wands, no fate, no destiny, just free will, and the work you put into it to accomplish it your goals.


I’m not @MikeBKY, I will give my personal take. I’ve seen to many habitual users of it become lazy, unmotivated, drain’s upon their families and/or society. I am in way generalizing all users. I am speaking of direct friends, and family.



I am against it because I believe it is a gateway drug. Most people who are addicted to drugs started with marijuana.


I’m actually in favor of full (standardized) legalized for two reasons…

  1. Like prohibition, the current situation just promotes disrespect for the law… and disrespect spreads to other areas.
  2. Lots and lots of money goes to illegal drug organizations. That money is going to go to someone. I’d rather that money go to small businesses and farmers than drug cartels. Yeah ok, it’s going to the gvt too, and I’m not a fan of how they often use our dollars, but better farmers than cartels.

And no, not a user, and no interest in being one.