One of the guys at our gym trains rescue/cadaver dogs. They go through insane tasting. He had a dog fail on a course because it paused for a dead rabbit, didn’t alarm just paused. They want these dogs to be 100% accurate.
Dead is dead, understandable tho that they want the dog to find humans, not critters.
I trained dogs back a couple decades ago and I still train my personal dogs. I would rescue dogs that showed the right kind of drive and donate them to various places.
Corpse is really hard because of the variation of scents and getting the right scent imprinted is hard.
Daddy gave me a haircut. Now I must do my best pity party to make him feel guilty
Missed that long one on his face. I’ll get it later. He’s been traumatized enough for now.
Note to Self if I see @William191 with shearers, Run Away, Fast!
The sheers I have aren’t working properly and I had to cut it his hair/fur with scissors. I tried to smooth it out with a beard clippers. You should have seen him b4 hand:joy:
We know you photoshopped that! Nice puppy like him would never do that.