Got a new gun vs.......

I don’t and never have had a lot of expendable income for frivolous trinkets.

Jewelry? *uck that! Momma and I still wear our less than expensive wedding bands these 46 years later.

House paid for 20+ years. Kids both homeowners and educated.

Clothes? Jorts and Hanes white cotton t-shirts everyday for me…Momma I have to demand that she order a dress or other apparel she takes a liking to in her monthly catalog things.

2 Dodges, 14 and 10 years old. Dodge man. Could drive either one in comfort without worry anywhere and anytime for any distance and the oldest has a HEMI with a 6-speed.

Which leads me to guns. Oldest a 1975 Western Field (Mossberg 500) 12 gauge pump sold through Montgomery Ward. Cut down from a field gun to more manageable for home defense. Only shotgun. Mom’s Christmas present when I was 15 yo. Buttery smooth action that still unleashes HELL on my right shoulder. Marlin model #60 .22 caliber. Vintage? Much fun and only 22 right now. Trying like hell to get my Nylon 66 back from my brother! 3 TAURUS “G’” series 9mm utterly reliable and never to escape my grasp EVER. 1 Taurus TCP .380 auto that I will never get rid of for fear that someone may think they can depend on it saving their life. I know it as the one shot wonder? 1 Taurus Spectrum .380 auto that has remained utterly reliable. 1 Springfield 1911 .45 auto Range Officer that is 100% deadly accurate with a hair trigger and very much fun that cost me $28 shipping after winning a USCCA gun giveaway!

If you have not figured it out I’m low buck that goes bang! I’m dealing with it just fine. The rest of you can just go on chasing those shiny trinkets.


There is no fault with being low budget, Brother. As long as you are confident what you have will function properly when required, it’s all good.


My Ram 1500 is 20 years old and has 315,000 miles so far. I love my Dodge. Wish I still had my late 70’s Dart with the slant-6.


Sounds like a pretty good setup to me!


I have read your post twice and I guess I’m missing the point?

Ok, you like being frugal.

Good for you.


No point really just sharing thoughts and making conversation. Yep, I’m a cheap bastard.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts though.


Kinda lost count of Dodges, Plymouths and Chrysler products in general owned by now.



Happiness doesn’t have to be expensive.

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Not at all, but it comes at the price of knowing what makes YOU happy and comparing that to the balance in your checking account because everything cost money.

And God only knows that is highly relative and individual. Some folks need expensive watches, exotic cars and private airplanes, others just need the price of a dinner and a movie every week with the kids and wife. It’s all good!!! I don’t admire those that have less than me and I don’t necessarily admire anyone the has more just for the sake of their worth, I do admire folks that are truly happy with what they have have and what they have achieved, because at least they know themselves well and that is nowhere near as common as it should be. and admire those that know themselves well enough to work hard for that happiness.

I personally love new “shinny trinkets” as deranged called them. I don’t think I “chase them”, but I have worked hard all my life so when they present themselves in my path I can just say yes without having to think much about it. All the other buckets in my life are full enough so the family is not exactly going without so I can get new toys. And I do enjoy sharing them with my family and others that appreciate them. Actually I have gifted quite a few firearms to family and friends over the years because I love putting a smile on other peoples faces. But at the end of the day all my toys need to do is put a smile on my face when they are in my hands.

But, like I said, I was not being contentious, just wondering what the point of the post was. He explained it and now I understand. I’m very happy that he got a gun on the USCCA gun giveaway.




I guess I just love shiny trinkets.I average three or 4 a year.Plus the crap load of small shiny things that go bang in the trinket…


I kinda got the Dodge Fever years ago. You young’ns probably won’t get that reference.

This one is from Momma’s midlife crisis. Yep, said she always wanted a dragonfly tattoo and immediately after that proclamation a dragonfly circled her 3x. 4 hours later and demanding that I go first after me explaining I didn’t really need a tattoo and had no idea what I would want…I ended up with this beaut.

After her second dragonfly I took it as a challenge to my masculinity. Hence my Fratzog. You’ll have to look that one up. Dodge uses them in modern times but they originated in the 60s. It keeps me feeling “balanced”.

I have one more. My “Eddie” proving I actually am not balanced but kinda deranged.Killers 1981 - Artworks - Iron Maiden Bulgaria

I’ll get around to posting him up real life.

Oh, nice sand dollar tattoo, deranged. :wink:

I have the same condition: Scotch purse. Made with velcro so it SCREAMS when you open it. Mostly I buy old things that go bang, but sometimes cheap new things will work.

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