For Patriots Day

Tonight is a night of great gravity. If our country properly celebrated the moments of greatest risk, courage, and fortitude, the evening of April 18 every year would be observed much like that of Passover. When the highest point of the fulcrum was reached between Liberty and Tyranny, Freedom and Servitude, our forefathers and foremothers stepped out of the shadows. One widow woke her teenaged son up so he could respond - not knowing if he would survive to bring in the fall harvest. The penalty for opposing the government’s power was capital punishment without trial - by firing squad or being hanged from the nearest tree.

At a time when communication was between written messages and what could be passed by signals within earshot, 14,000 turned out with no prior notice within a matter of 18 and one-half hours.

The people who showed up left their homes, horses in their traces in the fields, they left with children sick in bed with illnesses that were often fatal, they gathered what they had - which often was very little, and set out toward danger and the unknown. They had no health, disability, life, or unemployment insurance, no crop insurance, no social security, and no idea if or when they would ever return.

Some were organized, many were not. Some marched. Some rode. Some ran.

The responders included children, men, women, and among them - not often mentioned - minorities. The oldest responder, thought to be between 78 and 80 years of age, was shot in the face, bludgeoned with the butts of firearms, bayonetted over a dozen times, and left for dead - but not before he took out at least 3 soldiers. (Miraculously, he survived and even fathered more children.)

Of 8 pairs of fathers and sons in one skirmish, 5 pairs were broken by death the next morning. Many of them were shot in the back as they dispersed to their homes after being asked to do so.

Wounds were often fatal due to the lack of medical knowledge and practice. One teenager wounded in the foot suffered a series of amputations from the ankle to the hip over weeks of misery and finally succumbed to gangrene. One school master in his mid-twenties - who was already an amputee - walked over 10 miles and met his fate when he was shot in the stomach. His deacon father read scripture to him and when his father asked if he was sorry he turned out, part of his response was “I die willingly for my country, for I believe now that with God’s help she will be free.”

In the worst area of violence, a small town now called Arlington, the blood was so deep in one house from citizens killed by military that it reportedly washed over the tops of the shoes of those who went to check on them when the fighting was over.

These common people overwhelmed the greatest military force in the world convincingly. Experienced soldiers ran until they were so exhausted that they sat down in the road to wait for their end. Their commanders convinced the troops of this mighty army to stop running in fear at the point of bayonets.

One of the military commanders leading the government troops that day had so much disrespect of these peasants that he had apparently said that any rebellion could be put down by castrating all of the males - that most males would volunteer and the rest would submit, “with just a little prodding.”

That same commander wrote a letter about the events of April 19 and said: “Whoever dares to look at them as an irregular mob will find himself much mistaken. They have men amongst them who know very well what they are about.”

While this 24 hours in history is mentioned in passing from time to time, it rarely receives the observance or reverence it deserves. Part of that is the passage of time, some of it has to do with the decidedly politically-incorrect reasons these common people dared challenge the establishment. But make no mistake, that spirit of Liberty still lives. It is a spark held by a circle of people who are fanning it with the faith that it will again be a roaring blaze.

I, for one, am doing what I can to stay off the sidelines. I do not want to be the person our 2nd President wrote about a year after this day of honor: “Posterity, you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”

How about you? Will you let your children go to bed tonight or tomorrow without telling them about one of the most dramatic and inspiring days in our country’s history? I hope you don’t. I hope you will pass on to them with the respect and focus it so deserves.

Patriot Day - April 19, 1775


Thanks for sharing that.


That was a beautiful homage that far to many of us are ignorant to. I am unfortunately one of them. But I will remember that.


I didn’t write it. I copied and shared it from The Appleseed Project Facebook page.


@45IPAC - thank you for posting this. I shared it with my family.


That was absolutely beautiful


Thank you for telling that story


I’m wearing my APPLESEED t-shirt today. Never forget…


“I die willingly for my country, for I believe now that with God’s help she will be free.”

Remember that history repeats itself…:us:


There is much we should know and remember.

WWI and the Battle of Belleau Wood… and others
WWII and many battles and particularly D-Day and the Pacific… and naval battles we either never learned about or forgot…including the battles in Alaska…
We should know the war of 1812, and the battles of the Revolution…

And we should know and remember Patriots Day, Constitution Day, Flag Day, those little known or remembered dates of importance.

Thanks for posting… particularly if it came from Fakebook… never go there myself.


Great tribute from The Appleseed Project. If you are not familiar with The Appleseed Project, google it and then attend some sessions. It is the poor man’s Front Site Training.


Well, I have no idea which event this is describing. I presume it’s during the Revolutionary War, but none of the “This Day in History” has events like this from April 18, April 19, or April 20. So, how about enlightening me and actually naming the battle you’re commemorating?


RONALDB,you should read “Paul Revere’s Ride” By David Hackett Fisher

it is where the story you hear at an APPLE SEED mostly comes from,very good book

and if you have not been to an APPLE SEED you should find one and go,the history lesson that never gets told in school is worth the cost of the training,get your rifle mans patch,you may need it

45IPAC,keep up the good work,made me smile when i read your post

i believe the regulars are out again my friend,just saying


I had little idea about the atrocities suffered by Americans and what occurred throughout the battle. I was aware more or less but this really magnifies the reality and situation during that battle. At first I thought the person who posted this was referring to first-hand experience or that of his family in Nazi Germany. Then I thought no, this must be when Russia oppressed and slaughtered many people during Stalin’s reign. When I went to a museum in Pasadena, I learned that one of the ‘rebels’ during the American Revolution witnessed his mother beaten to death by the British who were very oppressive in the U.S. at that time. He never forgave them and thus was glad when he could finally join the revolution to overthrow the British. It was then that I felt I could really understand the gravity of the situation many people were in. I truly appreciate the 2A and the Constitution.


One needs to remember that this was not an American war! It was the British subjects against the British army. America that we think of now was still a long way off. ( I’m thinking 20 years give or take) First it was the confederation of states then it became the United States. If it wasn’t for the war that the UK was fighting with France the story might have turned out different.

Thanks for reminding us all of that historic day of that shot hear around the world. Sometimes Im too focused on WWII events as a lot of my direct family history stems from there. I am studying the Revolutionary war and hope to learn much more about our country


Kevin, I used to go to F*ckbook Occasionally But after the Ludicrous number of Security Failures on it’s part
I cancelled My Account & Never go there anytime for Any Reason.

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