Anyone have recommendation or suggesting for a thorough firearms log book? There are quite a few versions on line but I don’t want to start one and then find it not to be thorough. Thanks.
What do you want to log?
I keep an XLS with a tab for each firearm to track usage/maintenance/customization, and other tabs for rating what I might buy next, ammo stock/usage, misch purchases like targets, earplugs, gear, etc.
What data do you want to log?
Make your list and that might help you decide whether to get a specific product or build your own spreadsheet(s).
Consider data about your guns and their use, your ammunition, your training, and your practice. Each of those four is a different category with different possible data of interest for long term collection and analysis.
You are the only one that can determine if it’s thorough enough. I use a spreadsheet on my MAC that I built myself because over the years it has proven ultra flexible in allowing me to add information that at some point I considered unimportant but now for whatever reason I think matters.
Thanks Enzo. Just wanted to find something that wouldn’t take me the time to create one. I’ll keep searching.
I once built one huge spreadsheet with columns I don’t really need. So, I started hiding them for a cleaner look. Why didn’t I delete them?
I might change my mind and I like the option to I hide them.
If you’re looking for a software/database solution; check out ArmoryBook. They have a free tier up to 5 firearms for testing and evaluation purposes. Range history, cleaning logs, inventory for accessories & ammo are all integrated into the package.
Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I’d keep all this in hard copy and not on any program that I got online. You never know what else you’re downloading with the program. Keep it simple and keep it private. JMO
I like that. Cloak of invisibility I suppose is better.
I just use note book to log my fire arms and use tabs on pages of important “issues” and notes on each one. Not to be paranoid but I don’t want to chance anyone getting nosey and computers get hacked just a little too often for my liking. To be honest I use the notebook from the store here for my range notes. I also suggest keeping your logs in a separate location from your firearms.
No maybe about it. People can track anything they want, real or not. Who would know?
I don’t have a whole lot of firearms in my inventory. It’s easy for me to keep a close running count for each by ammunition box through each.
Oldest of 50 years=maybe 400 rnds. Used to hunt with it and now made “tactical”. Hurts when I shoot it!
Newest maybe 4 years=about 500 rnds. Daily carry rotation along with a 7,000 and 3,000 quite dated and utterly reliable of the same platform.
Firm believer if it works hang on to it. There’s always something new and shiny out there to catch your eye. Mine are proven and not at all shiny and eye catching, but I put holes where needed with every damned one of them EVERY damned time.
IDK, good question. Made me glad I logged all the serial numbers and descriptions of each I ever purchased, own and sold. Keeping track of at least that. Definitely, bringing a spiro notebook at range time. Hope you find or create a good one. Nice if you got a home/personal printer for privacy.
ALso worth noting what your insurance covers. My home insurance covers $10k unless I buy additional.
@Scott417 Welcome to the community!
@John_Trombetti Welcome to the community, and great input!
Be careful what you ask for!
I log EVERYTHING related to my firearms journey, especially purchase prices and dates on a spreadsheet.
1.Guns & outfitting thereof
2. Ammo & Targets
3. Cleaning supplies
4. Fees, memberships, licenses, trainings, range dates, qty. & type of ammo shot
5. Safety equipment
6. Running tallies of ammo inventories
The SCARY part is seeing how much money I have spent in just a couple of years!
I keep stuff I want more secure on a thumb drive or DVD that is only plugged in with internet unplugged/disconnected.
I still have the original receipts.