EDC-Lights on pistols

I am kind of torn between the two ways especially in the case of a break-in. I like having my finger on the trigger without the slack being taken up and having it up and ready to shoot. I live by myself, so I don’t have to worry about anyone but me and an intruder. Anyone coming in during the night is going to have to make some serious noise breaking in and when that is done, it is time to take up the slack. My house isn’t big, and I know my way around in the dark. I truly think they would be in serious trouble. But if they have a gun, I don’t want to waste time coming from a ready position or shining the edge of the light on them.


I have both. My WML is for home defense. Hand held flashlight for everywhere else if need be. (Just noticed I posted this before. Don’t get old folks! :crazy_face:)


I thought about buying a light for my Glock but didn’t want to buy a new holster since I really like the one I have. I ended up using the USCCA discount with PowerTac and bought myself a small 3,000 lumen EDC/tactical light with a strobe effect lol I’ll practice with it in one hand too. It’s a pretty good alternative imho


You should have warned me 20 years ago.


Should have listened to my father in law 40 years ago!


On my EDC I have a red dot as well as WML. Glad I have them. They have saved my life one already. One was when I was getting in my 4X4 at 5:00 A M WHEN something didn’t feel right. I hit my quick flash to see what was there and it was a snake that was my my left rear tire. T.C.B. REAL QUICK. And ween a red fox was ready to have my friends cat that was taking a nap in the yard. My red dot can in real handy that day. Would not be with out them. And I always check the battery in my WML. And my red dot is god for about a year, depending on how much I use it.


Heeelll no ! My God what’s with some people? OK that was to harsh and I’m sorry but if anyone wants to go to face a judge, prosecutor or possibly a jury with a hand gun with a dot sight and a light , possibly Lazer and maybe a toaster oven to be my guest. Are any of you that incopatent? My God handguns are ready to go man…. Some of you guys kill me …lol. Lol LMFAO!

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To each their own

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Yea yea yeah people have the right to be dumb for sure. MallNinjas


I would bet everything that I own that these Drug Store Green Berets with the sights and lights and all the cool stuff on their carry guns, not talking about any other gun only EDCs that I can spot them a mile away. They are destroying everything a concealed carry is about. Everyone I know Carrie’s and none of them have that crap on their EDCsbecause it’s silly. Those dumb “ hey you never know! I may go to the store one day and get into a mag dropping mag slamming 50 shot battle who knows?” Well you should get out if Iran or Iraq or Asscrackistan and go home cause they can spot you too . Geesh

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I carry with a WML for a few reasons.
-it balances out my VP40 perfectly
-My Tier1 holster is designed to hold all of my pistols as long as I have a Streamlight TLR-1 or equivalent on the pistol(s), retention is on the light, not the pistol
-where I live I want to instantly light up the area I am in.
I don’t give a ■■■■ if anyone else uses a WML or not and I am not going to publicly piss on them for doing so.


Yea , I just don’t know where people’s heads are. I have always felt if I turn a light on in my handgun all that’s gonna do is tell the other person “ here I am shoot me now”. Guess I’ll just keep things to myself and just say Huuum.

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Great idea


Maybe so

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Way to go from a rational post to wtf in 1 post. Why the hostility?


Yeah, why would people in a gun forum consider putting enhancements on their weapons.?


I would like to apologize to everyone for being such an azz lately. Things are not going well at all with me and I’m not used to being sick and hurt and not healing hardly at all so again I am truly sorry because I’m really not like the fool I’ve been acting like. I’ll just try to stay off my phone for awhile. Later guys and Gals.


No worries. I feel you there. I’ve done that and understand. But no need to take a break, unless you need it for you. Hope you feel better soon. I mean that, not just saying it.


Thanks, it’s not that I’ve been taking my probs out on others it’s just that I’ve never been like this, my liver is shot and when it goes so does everything else. But thanks and again sorry to you all.


Hey, We Love Ya Brother. We get it. Acknowledging it and explaining it it makes you even more a part of our family.